Friday, January 1, 2016

Nutrients for the New Year

Vitamins for Vitality
You're going to need some extra supplements to nourish that new body you're working on. Here's a couple vitamins and other supplements to keep you going through the year:

  1. Vitamin B: Vitamin B6 and B12 will give you the boost of energy you need throughout the day and at the gym. Look at any energy drink and you'll fine B vitamins among the main ingredients used to keep your energy up.
  2. Calcium: Essential for building and maintaining bones, this vitamin is essential in older and younger people alike. However, calcium is essential for older people especially, due to the natural occurrence of osteoperosis.
  3. Vitamin C: As the winter months actually approach here in Maryland (will they ever come?), exercise induced asthma will become a common occurrence. However, vitamin C can help reduce coughing and shortness of breath making it an essential dietary supplement during the winter months. Also, if you happen to be on a long voyage it can help prevent scurvy. So there's that too.
  4. Vitamin D: As the days get shorter, so does my temper. But that may be due to the lack of vitamin D we're receiving from the nonexistent sun. In all honesty, you'd think I've been living in the Pacific Northwest with the amount of rain we've been getting. Vitamin D doesn't just boost your mood, it also boosts your energy with the power it supplies to muscle cell's mitochondria. 
  5. Vitamin E: If you hate getting sick like I do, this supplement is a must. Take it regularly to avoid missing extended time at work or at the gym.
  6. Iron: Working out significantly reduces the amount of this mineral in your essential muscles. Taking this will reduce fatigue, and get you feeling fresh so you can keep hitting the gym.
  7. Magnesium: It plays a role in bone formation, making it a must for older people.  It also improves bone density and helps prevent fractures and breaks. Just make sure you hydrate and take it after exercise routines in which you sweat a lot.
  8. Potassium: A must for preventing muscle fatigue. Ever ran in a 5k, marathon or any other race? If you have probably seen the banana and Gatorade giveaways at running checkpoints. This mineral will keep your water balance in check, and keep you going throughout the new year.
Where Can I Buy These Supplements?
Pretty much anywhere that they sell drugs. Walmart, Target, Vitamin World, GNC, Walgreens and many other stores have them. I recommend purchasing a good multivitamin and then supplementing anything else the multi doesn't cover well enough. If you have any questions, don't forget you can contact me at 

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