Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What Makes a Healthy Breakfast

Should I Eat Breakfast? What Should I Eat?

This is a common question we hear when discussing nutrition with clients and patients. A lot of people either skip breakfast, or eat something on-the-go that is not the healthiest or most nutritious choice.

Depending on the person, a lot of people just do not feel like eating in the morning. They either do not feel hungry or are in such a rush that they feel like they don't have the time to eat. But, what most do not know, is that we have both short term and long term health benefits from eating breakfast. Even if we are rushing in the morning, there are healthy grab-and-go options, we just have to know what they are and how to prepare them. 

Eating breakfast in the morning helps us have a more balanced blood sugar throughout the day and provides energy first thing in the morning which, in turn, helps us to move more not only in the morning, but all day long. 

In the long run, eating breakfast consistently helps to reduce our risk of weight gain, obesity and hypertension. However, we can only see these benefits if we eat healthy, balanced breakfasts that have a combination of healthy fats and proteins. We should avoid breakfasts that are high in sugar or simple carbs. Sugar and simple carbs will shoot your blood sugar sky high, which leads to increased belly fat over time and can affect brain function. 

So, these are the "rules" for eating breakfast, but what are some foods that are good to eat for breakfast, but can also be a quick option for rushed mornings. We want to eat foods that keep us full, rev our metabolism, give us sustained energy and keep our blood sugar at a constant level. These foods are some good options for a healthy, balanced breakfast:

  • Scrambled eggs with avocado
  • Protein shake with almond butter or coconut oil
  • Fruit smoothies with added source of protein
  • Omelets
  • Yogurt parfait
  • Oatmeal- topped w/fruit and nut butters

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