Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wellness Wednesday

Finding Personalized Ways to Fight Fat 
Finding out the role diet plays in our gut health can help personalize a treatment plan for people with obesity and other lifestyle diseases.

     Have you ever wondered why some people are more likely to gain weight in a specific part of their body over another. We all come in different shapes and sizes, and some people are more prone to gaining weight around their mid-section, often blaming this misfortune on genetics. Scientists are looking to see if genetics are really to blame or if people have more control over their fat distribution than they realize.

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     A study published in Nature Genetics, was done to find a link between chemicals in the gut and how fat is distributed around the body, particularly the waist. Researchers studied 500 pairs of twins, analyzing fecal samples, and found 17.9% of the gut processes were hereditary while 67.7% were environmental or diet related. This means that we can use food to heal patients with weight and lifestyle challenges by finding out how the chemicals in their body respond to different types of diets and making a plan for them.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Motivational Monday

"If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. "
- H. G. Wells
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Fitness Tip of the Week:
  • It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories in order to lose one pound.  Calories in and calories out. Work on burning more calories than are being brought in! 
Beakfast Recipe of the Week:
  • Tomato Toast with Macadamia Ricotta
    • Macadamia Ricotta: 
    • 1 cup soaked raw macadamia nuts, drained and rinsed
    • 1 1/2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
    • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
    • 2 teaspoons white mellow miso paste
    • 2 small cloves garlic
    • 8-10 tablespoons filtered water
    • 1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
    • Tomato Toast:
    • 6-8 slices whole grain gluten-free bread (or bread of choice), toasted
    • 1/2 pound tomatoes (see notes), sliced with 1/4" thickness
    • 1/2 cup macadamia ricotta
    • 1/4 cup julienned shiso 
    • a few pinches black lava salt (or large grain sea salt)
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Lunch Recipe of the Week:
  • Black Bean Breakfast Bowl
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Dinner Recipe of the Week:
  • Cauliflower Chicken Fried Rice
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Exercise of the Week:
 Push Up (3 sets for 10 reps):

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Stretch of the Week:

Lunge Quad Stretch (15-30 second hold):
Image result for lunge quad stretch

Friday, May 25, 2018

Fitness Friday

Stick to Fitness by Finding a Class Catered to Your Age Group
People. especially the elderly are more likely to engage in regular exercise if they are doing it with a group of people their same age.

    Working out is something most of us should be doing more often, especially our older population. Side effects of non-active seniors include falls and social isolation. We have found benefits to working out with friends. Friends help keep you motivated and accountable allowing you a better chance at sticking with it, plus it's always nice to have a place and time to socialize while improving your physical health.

People, Persons, Men, Women, Elderly

     A study from the University of British Columbia finds that people have a tendency to stick with a group exercise program when they go with people their own age, gender doesn't seem to be a factor in attendance. The study followed 627 adults with an average age of 72 years for 12 weeks with an option to extend participation another 12 weeks. They were divided into three groups same age and gender, same age and any gender, any age and any gender. The first two groups were lead by an elderly instructor, and the third was lead by a YMCA instructor. They found the participants in the same age groups attended 9.5 more classes than those in a mixed age group. This information is major in helping people start and stick to a fitness routine, ultimately helping the quality of life in our elderly population. If you are having trouble finding motivation to workout this may be a new avenue to explore to aid your success.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wellness Wednesday

Lack of Sleep Linked to Unperceived Cognitive Decline
People weren't able to "adjust" to lack of sleep, subjects showed decline in cognitive ability even though they reported not feeling a difference.

     It always seems like there is so much to do, and so little time. One of the first things people sacrifice, in order to accomplish more, is sleep, not realizing their performance is affected especially long term. This study shows people also aren't adjusting to the lack of sleep finding their performances were steadily declining as time went on.

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     A study out of Brigham and Women's Hospital found cognitive declines not only in those who didn't sleep enough and were awake for too long, but also people who were awake for a "normal" amount of time. The participants of the study were asked about their perceived impairments, and there was no correlation found between restricted sleep and how they thought their performance was. Participants were studied for 32 days where one group was on restricted sleep equivalent to 5.5 hours a day, and another group was sleeping an equivalent to 8 hours a day. They then were asked if they thought they were impaired with most not noticing any decline, but when put through tests, those with restricted sleep performed worse than those who had adequate sleep. Researchers also found that there was a steady decline in performance over the 32 days, leading to the conclusion that our bodies never adjust to not getting enough sleep. To be at our best we need to get enough sleep every night, even if we feel okay studies show there is proof our performance is lacking.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Motivational Monday

"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines "
- Robert H. Schuller
Image result for work out pictures
Fitness Tip of the Week:
  • Trade your machine exercises for free weights.  Machines are built for a specific path the weight will travel; if you are short, too tall or your arms and legs are not the same length, that fixed path won't match your physiology.  This increases your chances of injury, so try dumbbells, medicine balls, kettlebells or barbells to build strength in ways that are more specific to your body!
Smoothie Recipe of the Week:
  • Sunrise Smoothie
    • 1 cup organic mixed berries
    • 1 frozen banana
    • 1 orange, peeled and segmented
    • 4-6 oz. vanilla greek yogurt
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Lunch Recipe of the Week:
  • Creamy Avocado & White Bean Wrap
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Dinner Recipe of the Week:
  • Cinnamon-Apple Pork Chopps
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Exercise of the Week:
 Sit to Stand (Can hold dumbell straight out in front)(3 sets of 12 reps):
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Stretch of the Week:

Calf Stretch (15-30 second hold each foot):
Image result for calf stretch

Friday, May 18, 2018

Fitness Friday

Fight Genetics With Exercise
People are overcoming their genetic predisposition for weight-gain with exercise, especially in post menopausal women.

     We all have that one friend who eats whatever they want and never seems to gain weight, then there are other more unfortunate souls who indulge in one doughnut and seem to put on 3 lbs. Genetics are usually blamed for either phenomenon, and with this blame comes the thought that there is nothing we can do to change our genetics, and it's something we just have to live with, especially as we age. But there is hope, studies now say that regular exercise is enough to combat those poor genetics, particularly post menopausal women.

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     Results published by the North American Menopause Society, shows that when the lifestyle is changed in regards to a regular exercise program, the body responds positively by maintaining a healthy body weight. Everyone can benefit from exercise especially our seniors who can expect to  experience an increase in muscle mass, bone density, and balance. These results give hope to an aging population for a happier, more fulfilling later years, which is something we should all strive for.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wellness Wednesday

A Different Approach to De-cluttering
Science shows taking a picture of an item to preserve the memories will allow people to let go.

      It is May and with it comes warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, and a opportunity to clean out the garage or attic that seems to collect everything throughout the year. With spring cleaning comes the process of deciding what stays and what goes, which can be difficult especially when good memories are associated. You're probably thinking if only there was a way to keep the memories without having to store the object in the attic or garage until the next spring. Well science offers a solution, take a picture of the item and keep that instead of the object itself.

Clutter Mess Untidy Garden Shed Workshop S

     Researchers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas, set out to find out if people would be more willing to let go of some of their clutter if they were able to keep the memory alive by taking a picture. They held a donation drive for 797 students at Penn state with two different advertisement strategies to see which group would donate more before their winter break. They found the group with the campaign urging students take a picture of their items then donate them donated about 15% more items than the group just asking students to donate. This approach may not work for everyone, or every item, but it might be a good idea to give it a try the next time you are looking to de-clutter. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Motivational Monday

"The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started "
-Mark Twain
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Fitness Tip of the Week:
  • Switch up your workout!  Instead of working out for 30 minutes at a steady pace, try interval training!  By going easy for 3 minutes and hard for 1 minute, 6 to 7 times, you create a new workout and a burning calorie machine!
Smoothie Recipe of the Week:
  • Superfruit Smoothie
    •  1 c. frozen cherries
    • 1 kiwi, peeled and chopped (reserve 2 slices for garnish)
    • 1 c. almond milk
    • 1 tbsp. chia seeds        
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Lunch Recipe of the Week:

  • Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich
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Dinner Recipe of the Week:

  • Quick Steak Carne Asada Tacos
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Exercise of the Week:
Tricep Chair Dips (3 sets for 10 reps):
Image result for tricep chair dips

Stretch of the Week:

Lunge Stretch (15-30 second hold):
Image result for lunge stretch

Friday, May 11, 2018

Fitness Friday

Eat Your Eggs
Eggs are not linked to increased risk of cardiovascular trouble, even in people with pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes.

     It seems everywhere you look there is endless amounts of information concerning our diet. It is hard to discern which information is backed by science, and which is antiquated or rumors spread throughout social media. One common thought is that eggs, especially the yolks are bad for you, claiming they increase cholesterol and cardiovascular risk, here is one study that finds no link between eggs and increased cardiovascular risk.

Eggs, Raw, Dairy, Wooden, Wood, Desktop

     University of Sydney conducted a study to find out if there was truth behind the thought process that eggs can be bad for your health, especially if you have other underlying health issues such as diabetes. They took a group or participants and divided them into two groups, high-egg diet (12 eggs a week) and a low-egg diet (less than 2 eggs a week). Each group began a diet including their directed egg intake, and after three months was found to have no difference in their risk markers. Those same participants then embarked on a weight-loss journey continuing their egg consumption, they were then tested every three months for up to 12 months showing no difference. The markers included cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Researchers concluded dietary cholesterol has little to no effect on cholesterol levels in the blood. They also found both groups of participants lost an equivalent amount of weight. Eggs are back as a nutritious breakfast full of protein and micro nutrients to aid our bodies, so eat up! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wellness Wednesday

Peanut Allergies More Accurately and Safely Diagnosed
Scientists have discovered a new way to test for peanut allergies without exposing the patient, and experiencing less false positives.

     Many of us with allergies found out we were allergic to peanuts by exposure, maybe we only experienced an itchy throat, or perhaps a more serious reaction. To be diagnosed with a peanut allergy, you are currently exposed to a skin prick, which is known to produce false positives, then you would undergo an oral food challenge. An oral food challenge consists of exposing a patient to the potential allergen in increasing doses under strict supervision until an attack may occur. Being that peanut allergies are increasingly prevalent in children, and this exposes them to a serious attack before it is confirmed that they are indeed, allergic. But scientists have found a better way, one more accurate and exposing the patient to less discomfort than in the past.

Peanut, Food, Nuts

     A new study posted in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, has developed a blood test, which could replace the oral food challenge, as a safer, and more accurate alternative. Not only is this method more accurate, but is more cost effective, and doesn't expose patients to an attack. They used blood samples from 174 patients and found with 98% specificity those allergic. Scientists could even determine the severity of the allergy. They are currently trying to make the test effective for other types of allergies, scientists also hope to verify potential allergens in various food and pharmaceutical products. Scientists plan on transitioning the test out of the lab and into a clinical setting soon, if successful the future of allergy testing could be a lot easier.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Motivational Monday

"Obstacles Don't Have To Stop You.
If You Run Into A Wall,
Don't Turn Around And Give Up.
Figure Out How To Climb It,
Go Through It, Or Work Around It."
- Michael Jordan
Fitness Tip of the Week:
  • Stretching is an important role in your workout.  It relieves muscle tension, improves posture and makes you more flexible.  Stretching helps workouts become smoother and creates less injuries.
Breakfast Recipe of the Week:
  • Honey Lime Quinoa Fruit Bowl
    • 1 cup uncooked quinoa (I used tricolor)
    • 1½ cup strawberries, sliced
    • 1 cup blackberries
    • 1 cup blueberries
    • 1 mango, diced
    • Honey Lime Glaze:
    • ¼ cup honey
    • 2 tablespoons lime juice
    • 1 tablespoon chopped basil for garnish

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Lunch Recipe of the Week:

  • Spiced Chickpea Pita 
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Dinner Recipe of the Week:

  • Lightened-Up Stuffed Peppers
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Exercise of the Week:
Lunges (3 sets for 12 reps):
Image result for lunges

Stretch of the Week:

Mackenzie Stretch (15-30 second hold):
Image result for mackenzie stretch