Friday, April 29, 2016

Gold Medal's Women Circuit Class

Are you a woman looking to change up your workout routine with like-minded people? Then our woman's circuit class is for you!

Beginning Thursday, May 12 at 6:00 PM, Gold Medal Physical Therapy's Bel Air MOG is starting a women's only circuit training class. It is open to all levels and will be kept to a maximum of 5 people to ensure you are getting personalized attention for your workout!

The class will include exercises that can be modified to any fitness level. We will be using a variety of equipment including light weights, resistance bands, total gym machine and body weight. This is a total body class that will work your upper and lower body, core and cardio!

This class is limited in numbers and will fill quickly! If you are interested, please call us and reserve your spot today, your first class is FREE!

If you love the class and wish to continue, the prices are as follows:
Group Classes- for NON-MEMBERS
 $8 for 1 class
 $30 for 5 classes= $6 per class
 $50 for 10 classes= $5 per class
 $80 for 20 classes=$4 per class

Group Classes for MEMBERS (50% off)
 $4 for 1 Class
 $15 for 5 classes
 $25 for 10 classes
 $40 for 20 classes

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Summer Exercise Safety

Summer can be a great time to up your activity level due to the variety of activities that are available when the weather starts to warm up. You can enjoy activities like running, biking, swimming and kayaking that are much more difficult to enjoy during other times during the year. However, there are precautions to take when doing outdoor activities as temperatures begin to rise and humidity starts to become a factor. When you sweat, your body loses electrolytes and salt, which are crucial in maintaining body function. When we get dehydrated from lack of water, we can suffer light headedness and even more severe symptoms if not taken care of immediately.

There are a number of things to think about before heading outside in the summer time, but we want you to remember these specific things to keep yourself safe and healthy.
  • Time of Day: try to avoid exercising outside from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM as that is the hottest part of the day. The best time to head out is early morning, before the heat has the chance to arrive.
  • Wear loose, light clothing: this will help to reflect heat and evaporate sweat.
  • Sunscreen: even though you may be out and moving, you can still get severely sun burned. Cover your entire body with at least SPF 30 before getting out in the sun for any and all activities.
  • Stay Hydrated: try to drink at least 1-2 glasses of water before going to exercise, drink every 15 minutes during activity, and at least a few glasses after the workout. Hydration is the most important factor during summer time activity.
  • Replenish your Electrolytes: with either a supplement or a small amount of sports drink.
  • Use Shaded Trails and Paths: to prevent being in direct sun light for long periods of time.
  • Check the Weather: if there is a heat advisory or high pollution warnings, take your workout inside.
  • Listen to your Body: any feelings of dizziness, nausea or lightheadedness, stop what you are doing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Mental Health and Exercise

Yes, exercise has a multitude of physical benefits to the body that are very important. But, the mental benefits that come from exercise are just as important. Especially, when you have feelings of depression and anxiety, exercise can be a great way to relieve symptoms and manage your mental illness. People who exercise regularly tend to have more energy, have better feelings about themselves, sleep better at night and be more relaxed in their lives. 

Exercise and Depression

  • Can treat mild-moderate depression almost as effectively and an antidepressant, but without the side effects
  • Promotes a variety of changes in the brain that promote feelings and calm and well-being
  • Releases endorphins that energize your spirits and make you feel good
  • Exercise can also serve as a distraction and allow you to find time to yourself to gather your thoughts and do something positive for your health and well-being

Exercise and Anxiety

  • Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment
    • Relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins
    • Pay attention to your body and how it feels while working out instead of just zoning out
      • This can improve your physical condition, as well as interrupting thoughts of negativity constantly running through your head

Other Mental and Emotional Benefits

  • Sharper memory and thinking: stimulates growth of brain cells and helps age-related decline
  • Higher self-esteem: when exercise becomes a habit, it can make you feel strong and powerful, giving you a better perception of your self-worth
  • Better sleep: bursts of exercise in the morning or afternoon can help regulate your sleep patterns
  • More energy: increasing your heart rate a few times a week will help give you a "get-up-and-go" mentality
  • Higher resilience: exercise can help you deal with hardships in a healthy way, rather than resorting to drugs, alcohol or other negative behaviors
Staying Motivated While Struggling with Mental Health Issues
  • Focus on activities you enjoy
    • Any activity that gets you moving, counts as exercise and is beneficial
    • Choose something that makes you happy such as throwing a frisbee with your dog, walking the dog or biking through your neighborhood
    • Even gardening and home improvement are good activities to get you moving as well as give you a sense of accomplishment and purpose
  • Be comfortable
    • Choose a setting that you find calming or energizing
  • Reward yourself
    • Helps keep you motivated when you know you have a reward at the end of your workout
    • Reward yourself with something that makes you happy such as a bubble bath, healthy smoothie or an extra episode of your favorite TV show
  • Make exercise a social activity
    • Exercising with friends or family makes it more fun and enjoyable
    • Having someone to workout with can help keep you motivated to stick with it
    • Having companionship when you are feeling down or anxious can be almost as important as the exercise itself

Monday, April 25, 2016

April Weekly Exercise- Week 4

April Week 4 Exercise and Stretch!
This is the last week of quad exercises and stretches, so be sure to give them all a try before given a month of a new muscle!

Wall Sit: this exercise is used for building isometric strength and endurance in the quads, glutes and calves. This exercise can be a real quad burner!

  • Start with your back flat against the wall, feet about shoulder width apart and two feet from the wall.
  • Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Adjust your feet so that your knees are not over your toes, but directly in line with your ankles. 
  • Keep your back flat against the wall. 
  • Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. 
Couch Stretch: this stretch focuses on the quad and hip flexors and allows you to get into better squat position, help relieve pain in all areas of the body and can undo the damage of sitting all day.
  • Get into a kneeling position close to something that you can use to prop your back foot up on (coach, wall etc.)
  • Your back knee should be completely flexed with your heel. Be sure to not hyper-extend your back!
  • Focus on squeezing your glutes and hamstrings which will push your hips forward into the stretch.
  • Hold for up to a minutes, or as tolerable as this can be an intense stretch!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Where to Start and How to Progress with Your Exercise Program

Often times when we decide that it is time to make a change in our lives and to start living healthier, we go all in. Go on a strict diet, start an intense exercise program and change the way we live; which is great! Until we start getting irritable because we are not eating the food we enjoy and we are so sore everyday from our intense, daily workouts and the number on the scale isn't moving as quickly as we'd like it to. Once this starts to happen, we start to lose some of that motivation that got us started. 

All of this happens when we do not choose the right starting point for our exercise program. It does not matter how much weight we want to lose and how healthy we want to be, it does not happen overnight. Lifestyle changes take time and no matter how bad we want the weight to come off, it will only come off as quickly as our body lets us. So, instead of starting out all out, start making small, daily changes that we will keep and where we will start to feel better about ourselves and see the changes happening. 

A single exercise session, or one healthy meal will not allow you to see the results that you want in the long run. However, starting and maintaining an exercise program as well as making changes to your diet will make you feel better, start to see changes and have a much more positive attitude. Praise yourself every time you make a healthy change or complete a workout that has you feeling energized and motivated. 

Track your progress. But, tracking progress can be different for every person. Whether this means you track every time you workout to ensure you are exercising a certain amount of days per week, or tracking to make sure you eat a certain number of fruits and vegetables each day. Whatever health goal is most important to you, keep track of it. Show yourself that by starting slow and being dedicated, you can make the necessary changes and start feeling better about yourself and about your life. 

When you start feeling like you have a good program, and you have stuck with it, then it is time to step it up a notch. Chang up your workout routine by increasing the amount of reps you perform or add some different exercises that you have not tried before. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Should You Eat Organic?

Should you or shouldn't you??
In recent years, eating organic has become more popular and more widespread. There has been an increase in organic products and more availability in organic produce and meat products. However, there are also controversies over what foods we should be eating organic, and whether or not eating organic is really that much better for us than non-organic foods. Not to mention, eating organic tends to be more expensive, so is it worth the extra money?

What Does Organic Mean?

  • Foods that are grown without pesticides, growth hormone, synthetic fertilizers or antibiotics. 
  • Reduce pollution and encourage water and soil conservation by using crop rotation and natural fertilizers. 
  • In order for a food to be labeled "organic", it must at least 95 percent  organic.

What Foods Should be Organic?

  • Each year, a "Dirty Dozen" list is put out by the Environmental Working Group of fruits and vegetables that are healthier when eaten organically
  • The 2016 list is not yet available, but the 2016 list includes: apples, strawberries, nectarines, peaches, grapes, celery, spinach, sweet bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, snap peas and potatoes.
  • This list includes produce products with the highest level of pesticides

Are Organic Foods Healthier?

  • Free of pesticides, which have been linked to pediatric cancer, decreased cognititve function and behavioral problems.
  • More fresh and nutritious when bought from your local farms and farmers markets. The longer fruits and vegetables sit in the store, the more nutrients they lose.
  • GMO-free: genetically modified organisms which often contain soy, wheat and corn. So, it is recommended that when products are not GMO-free, that we buy organic.
  • Meat is richer in certain nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids. Organic, grass-fed cows have a better fatty-acid profile than non-organic.
  • NO growth hormones, antibiotics or animal byproducts 

Eating Organic on a Budget

  • Shop at your local farmer's market
  • Eat local and seasonal ingredients
  • Buy just what you think you will need/eat for one week, as organic produce spoils quicker
  • Buy from discount stores
  • Buy from the bulk bins
Stay educated in order to keep you and your family healthier and away from chemicals in your food

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Current Happenings at Gold Medal

As you may or may not know, there is a lot happening at Gold Medal Physical Therapy! Not only do we have physical therapy, but we are here to help you with all forms of wellness as well. We have four health coaches on staff and our M.O.G (medically oriented gym) to help with all of you fitness and wellness goals.
Do you need help getting on tack with your health? Come see us!

Some Current Events and Classes Here at Gold Medal

MOG Membership
The newest facility in your community committed to integrating all forms of health, wellness and human performance, facilitating lasting positive lifestyle changes. We create a safe and comprehensive life-improvement program based on your lifestyle goals.

Included in Your Membership:
  • Quarterly fitness evaluations
  • Personalized exercise program
  • One on one support

Come join us for a class with a focus on strength, flexibility and balance for Seniors!
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 AM at the Perry Hall MOG!
We must have a minimum of 3 people minimum to run the class, so please call the front desk ahead of time to sign up!
Non- Member Prices:
$8 for 1 class
$30 for 5 classes
$50 for 10 classes
$80 for 20 classes

Member Prices:
$4 for 1 Class
$15 for 5 classes
$25 for 10 classes
$40 for 20 classes
Call the front desk to sign up today!

5K Training: Run, Prep and Recovery Course!
Sign Up Now!!
Train to run the Bel Air Town Run 5K in Just 6 Weeks!
Saturday, April 23 at 9:00 am- ends the day of the Bel Air Town Run, June 5, 2016
All fitness levels welcome!
$100 for 6 weeks, 2 classes per week
Saturdays at 9:00 am and Tuesdays at 6:00 pm

Call the front desk to sign up today! The class is limited to 15 people!

Health Coaching
Our comprehensive program includes scientifically proven products and programs, FREE health coaching and a community of support and learning the habits of a health system to create lasting health.
Discover your healthy body, healthy mind and healthy finances!

Interested in anything have to offer? Give us a call! Or, send an email to and we will be in touch with you!

Monday, April 18, 2016

April Weekly Exercise- Week 3

April Week 3 Exercise and Stretch!
Be sure to try these out on your next visit to the MOG!

Step-ups: step-ups are a very basic movement that greatly improve the strength and stability in the legs. It is a unilateral movement that requires balance and will force you to strengthen each leg individually. If you would like to increase the load of this movement, simply add a dumbbell to each hand. 

  • Step up onto a bench using only one leg to balance at the top. 
  • Slowly lower yourself to the ground.
  • Alternate feet and step up again. 

Lying Quad Stretch: a simple stretch that can be done anywhere to stretch out your quads. All you need is a soft surface or a yoga mat.

  • Lie on your side. Allow your head to rest on your lower arm.
  • Stack your hips and shoulders so they align vertically with the floor.
  • Grasp your ankle or top of foot of your top leg and and pull towards rear end. 
  • Straighten hip by moving knee backward. Hold the stretch and repeat on other side. 
  • Be sure to keep your core and abs tight during the entire stretch.

Friday, April 15, 2016

HIIT Workouts for Beginners

High Intensity Interval Workouts for Beginners
 Know what you should and shouldn't do and how to properly fuel yourself. When starting a H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training), you want to start slow and train your body how to do more intense workouts along with how to nourish your body for these types of workouts.
Basics of H.I.I.T
  • Theses workouts are highly effective and increase calorie and fat burn.
  • When you are a beginner, start simple and gradually progress to more challenging exercises.
  • H.I.I.T workouts have interval times with specific work-to-rest ratio
    • Shorter work time usually means a more intense activity
    • 30:15 work-to-rest ratio is a good place to start. Try to work towards a 20:10 work-to-rest ratio
  • Rest can be active or passive: recovery can include balance exercises or a light cardio movement
Sample Workout
    • Bodyweight squat
    • Elevated push-up
    • Lunges
    • Plank with Knee Drive
    • Alternating side lunges
    • Jumping jacks
HIIT Nutrition
  • With good nutrition in addition to a H.I.I.T program,  you can improve blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity or improve body composition
  • You need to provide your body with adequate calories and macro-nutrients (such as carbohydrates) to provide energy stores for workouts
    • Adequate water is needed as well for complete hydration
  • A meal with moderate-to-high carbohydrates with added protein should be consumed 3-4 hours before a workout
  • A high carb snack should be eaten within an hour after finishing a workout. Some examples of a quality post-workout snack include:
    • Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana 
    • Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with fresh fruit
    • Dried fruit and almonds

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Staying Motivated for Fitness

Are you having trouble sticking with a fitness routine or getting one started? Check out these tips to get you on track and stick with a plan. Use these simple series of tactics to get yourself motivated and active!

Identify Goals
  • Determine a starting point for your exercise program
  • Record starting fitness goals and continue to track progress periodically. Record a timed walking/running mile, maximum amount of push-ups in a minute, waist circumference and your body fat percentage
  • Give yourself a general fitness goal. What type of activities are you going to do and when are you going to start them?

Make a Commitment
  • Make an exercise contract to yourself and identify specific workout goals
  • Write down reasons you should and want to be active
  • Post your contract and reasons for being active in places where you will see it everyday as a constant reminder

Get Support From Your Peers
  • Seek out like minded people that will help keep you motivated and hold you accountable.
  • Get your friends and family involved. Plan a weekly workout date with someone who is also interested in starting a fitness program.
  • Join a local walking or jogging club. Many communities have charity and fundraising teams for races that you can join.
  • Sign up for neighborhood boot camps or specific sports clubs

Break Down Fitness Barriers
  • Identify your personal barriers to fitness. If time is your biggest barrier, identify 20-30 minute time slots throughout your day where you could squeeze in a workout.
  • Invite friends along or join workout groups and classes.
  • Plan your workouts ahead of time and block of your calendar or schedule.
  • Choose workouts that require minimal equipment that you can do at home.
  • Exercise with your kids. Go for a family walk or play a sports game with them in the backyard after school.

Overcome a Plateau
  • Once you've gotten into a fitness routine and feel like you have hit a plateau, think of being F.I.T.T - Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
  • Change how often you  workout- try for at least 3-5 days a week
  • Increase the intensity of your workout- you should be working at about 65-90% of your max heart rate.
  • Each workout should be between 20 and 60 minutes.
  • Change the type of exercises that you are doing. Add variety to your workout to challenge your body in a new way. 
  • Try to add in more aerobic and cross training exercises to your workout plan.

Celebrate Healthy Successes
  • When you hit a personal milestone, whether it is a healthier weight, lowering your blood pressure or cholesterol, improving your sleep habits or increasing muscle tone, reward yourself with a tangible item.
  • Reward yourself with something other than food. Get a massage, a new workout outfit or new piece of workout equipment to keep encouraging your new healthy habits and exercise routine.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tips for Managing Stress

Daily stress is something most people deal with at some point in their lives. Chronic stress is something that can be detrimental to our health if it is not taken care of and gotten under control. However, there are many, simple things we can do in our daily lives that greatly help to manage stress and anxiety. Three of most important things that we can work on incorporating into our daily lives are exercise, a nutritious diet and plenty of rest.


  • Exercise acts as a stimulate and produces endorphins which can act as the body's natural pain killers and mood elevators
  • Daily exercise decreases stress hormones in your body, causing you to have a better mood and feel less stressed following a workout.
  • By continuing an exercise program on a regular basis can help reduce chronic stress and anxiety. Try exercising at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes at a time. 


  • Eating a diet rich in whole grains, fiber, fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fat is essential for getting the maximum benefits from your exercise and managing stress.
  • Chronic stress has the ability to deplete your body of its nutrients and vitamins that are crucial for proper functioning. 
  • When we are stressed, we tend to eat sugary snacks and caffeinated beverages. By doing so, you are suppressing your immune system which can make or more stressed, tired and anxious.
  • Increasing vitamin and mineral intake helps support healthy mood, hormone balance and energy levels. 


  • Getting plenty of rest and the proper amount of sleep is key to reducing stress and anxiety. Getting between 7 and 8 hours of sleep is the perfect amount to be fully rested the next day.
  • Many people tend to overlook lack of sleep and rest as the explanation for poor stress management. 
  • Research shows that physical repair happens in the body between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am. So, being in bed and asleep by 10:30 pm helps aid your body in that nightly repair.
  • Rest and sleep repairs, renews and replenishes the mind a body. This is crucial for those of us struggling with chronic stress and anxiety. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

April Weekly Exercise- Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of April! 
Check out the new exercise and stretch for this week and give them a try!
Exercise of the Week- Body Weight Squat
  • Start with your feet about hip width apart.
  • Begin the movement by flexing your knees and hips, sitting back with your hips. 
  • Continue down to full depth and reverse the motion until you are back to the starting position.
  • As you squat, keep your head and chest up and press your knees out. 

Stretch of the Week- Kneeling Quad Stretch
  • Position yourself with one knee on the floor and the other leg out in front with the knee bent and foot flat on the floor.
  • Grasp the ankle of the leg behind you. 
  • Lean forward at the hips and at the same time pull the ankle in towards your body.
  • When you can start to feel the stretch in your front quad, hold the position for 30 seconds. 
  • Repeat at least two times on each leg. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Biking for Exercise

Looking for a way to get outdoors and be active? Biking is a great, low impact form of exercise that not only gets you a great workout, but gets you outdoors and is easy on your joints. If you need some motivation to get out there and give it a try, here are some great reasons why you should!

  • Get out and enjoy a nice day: probably the best part of bike riding is being able to get out and enjoy the fresh day and nice weather that the spring, summer and fall can bring us. 
  • Take it easy on your knees, ankles, feet and legs: for many, having "bad" knees, legs, ankles and joints is their reasoning for not being active. But, biking is an activity that is easy on the joints and the body, so is great for those with previous injuries or chronic aches and pains. 
  • Convenient form of transportation: depending on where you live, biking could be a great form of transportation to getting to and from work when the weather is nice. It can be great to get in your daily exercise while on your way to work!
  • Lifelong activity: biking is one of those activities that you can do for as long as your body allows. It is good for any age and physical ability.
  • Reduce stress: as we have stated before, exercise is a great way to reduce the stress that life sometimes brings us. 
  • Explore new areas and trails: many people do not know about the abundance of trails and paths in close distance to their work and homes. Take the time to research and explore new areas and trails that just might surprise you with their beauty right in your neck of the woods.
  • Sense of freedom: by setting out on a trail and open space, you get a sense of freedom and relaxation by getting out on a bike.
  • Have fun: riding a bike can take you back to your childhood days and re-live the enjoyment of getting out there and riding mindlessly.
For those of you in Harford and Baltimore Counties, there is an abundance of trails around the area that are biker-friendly and have beautiful views. Check out the Ma&Pa trail in Harford County and the NCR Trail in Baltimore County!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Why You Should Do Yoga

Yoga is a form of exercise that is great for everyone and can have many positive health benefits if it is practiced regularly. Yoga focuses on strength, balance, stretching and conscious breathing in each practice. Therefore, you can reap the many benefits of yoga by making it a part of your workout routine.
  1. Reduce, Prevent and Manage Back Pain: by reducing these stages of back pain,or preventing back pain from happening, you are improving your overall function.
  2. Improve Heart Health: a regular yoga routine can have some of the same benefits as a regular walking routine such as lowering cholesterol, decreasing blood pressure and lowering resting heart rate.
  3. Improve Balance: this is especially important for older adults and their increased risk and fear of falling. Yoga helps strengthen hip muscles in as little as 6 weeks if done on a regular basis. Strong hips can greatly help older adults prevent falls and injuries.
  4. Improve Mood and Help Treat Depression: with the meditation that is done in class, you can greatly improve your mood, which in the long run, can help treat or eliminate feelings of depression. 
  5. Improve Sleep: with a regular yoga practice and deep relaxation that comes with it, your stress hormones drop and your mood elevates. With that, anything that reduces stress and elevates mood can help improve sleep patterns. 
As with anything that helps improve your health, it needs to be done consistently and on a regular basis for you to notice changes. If you are looking for health improvements that yoga helps with, be sure to go on a regular basis and stick with it to see changes. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

National Walking Day

Today is National Walking Day sponsored by the American Heart Association!
Starting today, the American Heart Association is promoting a month-long celebration designed to make every more physically active since today's society promotes a lot of sitting and sedentary activity.  Today specifically, everyone is encourages to put on those tennis shoes and go for a 30 minute walk!

Why start with walking?
Walking is a low-risk, low-impact exercise that almost anyone and everyone can do. Walking can help you to get fit and reduce your risk of serious health conditions like diabetes, heart disease and stroke.  With a regular walking program, you can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, decrease weight, increase energy levels and build bone strength. 
Walking is also a very easy exercise to get started with. All you need are some tennis shoes and comfortable clothes. If you are new to exercise, start slowly and with short distances. Try to keep your breathing under control until your body gets more used to exercising. At first, don't worry about speed or distance, just worry about getting out there and moving!

Be Safe
The most important things to think about while walking outdoors is your safety. Know the area you will be walking in and try avoid high traffic areas. Sidewalks are best to walk on so you do not run the risk of getting in the way of passing cars. If you can, go with someone else. Two is always better than one is these situations in case of emergency. If you cannot find a walking buddy, be sure that someone knows that you are going for a walk and they know what route or area you will be walking in. 

Know When to Stop
If you start feeling aches and pains in your knees, back or other joints, stop. See a doctor just to be sure there are not any serious issues or injuries going on. You want to get them taken care of before they get worse!

Monday, April 4, 2016

April Weekly Exercise- Week 1

Today  begins a new month of exercises and stretches for each week in April! 

Week 1 Exercise- Lunges

Lunges are an exercise that have many physical benefits to your body, other than just strengthening the muscles in your legs. Lunges allow you to:

  1. Have better balance: since lunges train one side of your body at a time, your are greatly improving your balance and coordination when performing this exercise.
  2. Be more functional: a functional exercise is one that improves your performance of natural, everyday movements. Lunges are essentially training the movement of walking- which is one of the most important functional moves!
  3. Have superior symmetry: One of the best benefits of lunges is the fact that you can "even out" strength and muscular imbalances by bringing your weak side up to par with your strong side.
  4. Better core stability: more so than other exercises, lunges have the ability to force you to use and strengthen your core while performing the exercise. While lunging, you have to work very hard to keep your torso upright the entire time. By doing so, you are forcing your core to work and be stable.

  • You can choose to perform lunges with or without dumbbells in your hands.
  • Be sure that as you lunge, your knee does not extend over your toes.
  • Keep your chest up and be sure that you are not leaning forward on the way down.
  • Use a mirror to help with your form the first time you perform a lunge
  • If you need help, don't hesitate to ask a MOG staff member to show you how to do it!
Week 1 Stretch- Easy Standing Quad Stretch
  • Stand straight and touch a wall or stationary object for balance, if needed. 
  • Grasp the top of your ankle or forefoot.
  • Pull ankle or forefoot all the way back until it touches your glutes.
  • Straighten your hip by moving your knee backward.
  • Try to seal together both knees- do not allow your stretching knee to flare out to the side.
  • Hold stretch for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. 
**Balance tip: stare straight ahead at a non-moving object and put one finger on your belly button**

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Muscle of the Month

Muscle of the Month: Quadriceps
The month of April, we are bringing back muscle of the month! The goal is to keep you educated on the body as well as introduce you to new exercises and stretches! Each month, take the time to try our new exercises and work your muscles in a new way that you are not used to. If you are unsure of how to do them, please ask our MOG staff for help!
The quadriceps, typically known as the "quads", are a group of four muscles that sit on the front of the thigh. The four muscles, the vastus medialis, intermedius, lateralis and rectus femoris, all make up your "quads".
The primary function of these muscles as a whole is to extend, or straighten, the knee.

Ask your M.O.G staff for help strengthening and stretching these muscles!