Thursday, April 7, 2016

Why You Should Do Yoga

Yoga is a form of exercise that is great for everyone and can have many positive health benefits if it is practiced regularly. Yoga focuses on strength, balance, stretching and conscious breathing in each practice. Therefore, you can reap the many benefits of yoga by making it a part of your workout routine.
  1. Reduce, Prevent and Manage Back Pain: by reducing these stages of back pain,or preventing back pain from happening, you are improving your overall function.
  2. Improve Heart Health: a regular yoga routine can have some of the same benefits as a regular walking routine such as lowering cholesterol, decreasing blood pressure and lowering resting heart rate.
  3. Improve Balance: this is especially important for older adults and their increased risk and fear of falling. Yoga helps strengthen hip muscles in as little as 6 weeks if done on a regular basis. Strong hips can greatly help older adults prevent falls and injuries.
  4. Improve Mood and Help Treat Depression: with the meditation that is done in class, you can greatly improve your mood, which in the long run, can help treat or eliminate feelings of depression. 
  5. Improve Sleep: with a regular yoga practice and deep relaxation that comes with it, your stress hormones drop and your mood elevates. With that, anything that reduces stress and elevates mood can help improve sleep patterns. 
As with anything that helps improve your health, it needs to be done consistently and on a regular basis for you to notice changes. If you are looking for health improvements that yoga helps with, be sure to go on a regular basis and stick with it to see changes. 

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