Friday, March 31, 2017

Fitness Friday

Weight Bearing Exercise Promotes Bone Growth & Formation in Men
IGF-1, a hormone that is associated with bone growth, has been found to increase with weight bearing exercises while sclerostin has been found to decrease.

With osteoporosis affecting more than 200 million people worldwide, the search for preventative activities or treatment have always been at the forefront of researchers experiments in their continuous efforts for preventing the devastating bone loss that occurs in adults. A study that was recently conducted used a group of 25-60 year olds who had low bone mass, and split them into two groups. The first group performed resistance training exercises with weights, such as lunges and squats, while the second group performed plyometric exercise such as single and double leg jumps. The blood serum of both groups were tested after 12 months, and researchers found decreased levels of sclerostin along with increased levels of IGF-1 in both groups. One of the lead researchers, Dr. Hinton, noted however that cycling and swimming should also be utilized for their cardiovascular benefits, but that they do not promote bone growth and formation.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Mental Tips for Exercise

When it comes to exercising, sometimes the hardest part about it is the mental aspect. It is hard to talk yourself into going to the gym or going for a run, it is mentally challenging to push through an entire workout when it is tough, it is also mentally challenging to do an exercise or workout that you don't particularly like or enjoy. However, if you know that your mind gets in your way when it comes to exercise, there are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself and not make it feel like such a chore to get to the gym. 
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  • Be Flexible
    • You are always going to encounter road blocks when it comes to exercise. Whether it be an injury, not much time in the gym due to work or family or weather related set-backs, don't let that deter you from your workout. Be flexible and work around the roadblocks. Always just do what you can and don't worry about the obstacles that come along.
  • Embrace Effort
    • Whenever you feel overwhelmed by a workout or planning for an upcoming athletic event, look at where you started and appreciate the effort you have put in to put things in perspective. Break things down into small steps, so things so seem so overwhelming and like you cannot achieve them.
  • Welcome Criticism
    • Along the way, you may hear criticism from friends, trainers or fellow gym-goers. However, majority of them time, these people are probably trying to help or encourage you. So don't get down on yourself about it. Listen to others as they may be telling you something that could greatly benefit you.
  • Enjoy Others' Success
    • Use others' success as motivation for yourself. Be positive about it and let it inspire you for your own fitness journey. 
  • Find Like Minded Partners
    • A workout buddy can be a huge help. But, make sure they are the right person for you. Find someone who shares the same goals and types of exercise as you so it is fun, positive and motivating. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Muscle Related Injuries
A study conducted by the Hospital for Special Surgeries (HSS) found that more than half of college football players who participated in the 2015 NFL combine had inadequate levels of  vitamin D.

The NFL combine is the site of a gathering of some of the most elite college athletes in the world, who conduct a variety of drills to show off their athletic prowess to prospect teams looking for who they should draft with their handful of picks. The athletes also undergo physicals at the combine, so that teams can take a look at the progression of an athlete's possible previous injuries, and their respective durability in the NFL. During the physicals and wellness screenings during the 2015 combine, HSS physicians collected baseline data that included age (average was 22), BMI, injury history and whether they had missed any games due to lower extremity or core muscle strain. HSS then collected the vitamin D levels of players through blood samples.

The research found that 59% of the athletes had abnormal serum levels of vitamin D, with 10% of those players being severely deficient in vitamin D. Fourteen out of the 246 combine players reported missing at lease one game during the previous season due to lower extremity or core injury, and of the fourteen who reported the injury, 86% were vitamin D deficient. This deficiency is not just limited to professional athletes, however, as it is estimated that more than 40% of Americans are deficient in the vitamin manufactured in part by the sun. Those who are concerned about vitamin D deficiency should ask their doctor about possible supplementation, as vitamin D is vital in maintaining proper bone and muscle strength. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

What You Need to Know About Hunger

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Technically, hunger is the body's biological need for food. However, a lot of the time, we eat for reasons that reflect other types of hunger like emotional or situational. You can probably relate to a time where you were eating even though you did not physically feel hungry. Maybe you were at a party and you were eating just because there was food available or maybe you were sad and ate something that made you feel better. If you know about the true nature of hunger and appetite, it will allow you to realize when you are truly hungry and need food versus eating emotionally or situational. 
Physical hunger manifests itself through different bodily signals such as growling, weakness, headaches, trouble concentrating and even a depressed or grumpy mood. Things such as lack of sleep, stress and a low-nutrient diet can also alter hunger and the way your body tells you it is hungry. By ignoring physical hunger signs, your body can spur increased hunger and eating over time. So, listen to your body. Rather than working against it, learn to feed it when it tells you it is hungry and become mindful of eating when it is not hungry. 
A lot of times, emotions can bring about feelings of hunger or wanting to eat. When we are sad, lonely, bored or angry, our body can ignite feelings of hunger that causes us to eat emotionally. While feeling this way and reacting to these feelings is not unusual or uncommon, making it a habit and doing it frequently can cause of downward spiral of emotional eating and take a toll on your health. If this is something you tend to do, take steps to better manage your emotions. Before eating something, take a second to think about if you are actually hungry, or just eating because you are feeling some sort of emotion. If you find that you are actually not hungry, do something else to try to sooth your emotion you are feeling. 
So, if you feel yourself feeding yourself due to emotions and not because you are physically hungry, try to take little steps to create healthier habits and truly listen to your body. take a deeper looks at your relationship with food and start taking notice of your eating habits. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar?

There could be things happening in your life that may be an indicator that you are consuming too much sugar and you may not even realize it. You may not think that you eat too much sugar in your diet, but your body and mind may be telling you otherwise. If you notice some of these things happening in your life, pay close attention to the amount of sugar in your diet, as it may be the cause and something you can easily fix.

Image result for eating too much sugar

  • You are moodier than usual
    • The blood sugar crash that happens when you are coming off a sugar high can cause mood swings and make you feel crabby. Additionally, it has an effect on your energy levels that can also make you feel moody. 
  • You are getting more cavities
    • Eating too much sugar throws off the natural pH levels that our body produces and gives bacteria a chance to thrive, which in turn, can cause cavities. 
  • You are gaining weight
    • Excess sugar is excess calories that does not provide any nutritional value to your body. This causes you to overeat because sugar does not fill you up due to the fact that it has no protein or other nutrients that make you feel full after eating it. 
  • You constantly crave sugary things
    • The more sugar you eat, the more of it your body will crave. This is why it can also be very difficult to give up sugar if you are trying to cut back. Not only do your taste buds adapt to want more sugar, but your body gets used to the high that you get after consuming sugar, causing it to want more. 
  • You feel sluggish throughout the day
    • While you tend to get an increase in energy and a "sugar high" from eating sugar, it is also followed by a crash. The more sugar you eat, the more this will happen throughout the day causing you to keep feeling a lack of energy and need for a boost. This also probably means that you are not fueling your body with enough protein and fiber to give you lasting energy throughout the day.
  • You can't stop breaking out
    • Sugar can cause a hormonal imbalance that can show up on your face in very little time. If you notice you are constantly breaking out and nothing you have tried is helping to make it go away, try reassessing your diet to help get to the root of the problem. 
  • Nothing tastes as sweet as it used to
    • The more sugar you eat, the more your taste buds will change and eventually not react as well when eating sugar so nothing will taste as sweet. However, if you can push through and give up the amount of sugar you are eating, your taste buds will eventually get back to normal and things will taste sweet again. 
  • Your brain get foggy after eating meals
    • This type of brain fog is generally due to low blood sugar levels. After eating sugar, your blood sugars rapidly rise and rapidly fall, rather than gradually doing so, which can give you brain fog after eating.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Fitness Friday

The Rise of Exergaming
Gaming, which is typically thought to promote an increased sedentary lifestyle and bring about an increase in health risks, has taken on a new role in the form of physical activity in games such as Pokemon Go and Zombies Run.

Video games have long been associated with sitting in one's room or basement for long periods of time, cruising through different levels for hours at a time without moving any part of one's body except for their thumbs and an occasional arm movement to reach for a snack. This addicting and sedentary behavior can be detrimental to one's health, as the addiction can increase physical problems, anxiety, depression and impaired social functioning. With the rise of mobile phone game applications, however, that trend seems to be changing. Successful games utilize an algorithm that elaborate on reinforcement and reward schedules that have the potential to maximize motivation, and some software companies are utilizing this algorithm to create games that promote exercise!

Recent games such as Pokemon Go and Zombies Run reward the participant with a variety of prizes fro completing tasks out in the real world. In the game Pokemon Go, participants must walk around different areas to catch virtual Pokemon, hatch eggs, and battle other trainers. In the game Zombies Run, interval running is employed as the exercise of choice by utilizing zombie sounds to make you run faster until the sounds subside. Games such as Pokemon Go also promote social wellness by having gamers meet up to catch Pokemon at "lure" spots. Hopefully games such as these will continue to be the trend for software and game developers, to promote overall wellness for their users!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Start Now

When it comes to fitness, there is no good time to start. Life is always going to throw you curve balls that will give you an excuse to not exercise or start at a later date. However, life is just going to get busier and give you more excuses to not do it. So, instead of waiting for the "perfect time" just start now. Take the first step into creating a routine and get started now. This isn't to say that you need to fall in love with fitness or exercise, but you should find something that you typically enjoy so that being active doesn't feel like a chore. Even if you find something that you only enjoy a little bit, the more you do it, the more you will enjoy it and make it a habit. 
Often times, people think that we need to be the most well-rested, energized version of ourselves to get in a good workout. But, in reality, we will feel more energized and rested after getting in a good workout. So, instead of pushing it off because you are tired or stressed, use that as your reason for going to workout. You may be surprised by how much better you feel after getting in some physical activity. Sometimes, the motivation for exercise is more long-term goals such as looking good for a vacation next summer or lower your blood pressure to help reduce your risk of disease. However, if we remember the more immediate benefits of exercise, like increased energy and improved mood, it may help to get us to the gym or outside to go for a run. 
If you want to live a long, healthy life with a properly functioning brain, heart and organs, then exercise needs to be a part of your weekly routine. So, make the decision to start now, rather than keep pushing it off to tomorrow, next month or next year.

Image result for start exercise now 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Obesity May Lead to 11 Types of Cancer
Carcinoma of the breast, ovary, kidney, pancreas, colon rectum, and bone marrow may all be related to obesity. 

1.9 million adults worldwide are overweight or obese leading to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems, joint disorders and even certain types of cancer. Researchers at the Imperial College of London looked at the results of 204 previously published studies related to the connection between obesity, weight gain, waist circumference and 36 different cancers. Researchers found the biggest link between to be between obesity and carcinoma of the organs relating to the digestive system, hormone related tumors in women, bone marrow, colorectal, and kidneys. A 5 unit uptick in BMI were found to have a 9% increase of chance for colorectal cancer in men and 56% increased chance of a tumorigenesis in the biliary-tract system for both genders.

The study also found that post-menopausal women who have selected not to partake in hormone therapy (which has been independently linked to an increase in breast cancer risk) are at an 11% increased risk for developing breast cancer for every 5lbs of weight gained during this time period. Women are also susceptible to a 21% increased risk of endometrial cancer for every 0.1 unit increase in waist-to-hip ratio. It should be of note in this study, that the research studied were not conducted in a controlled environment. Despite this note, however, it is nonetheless vitally important to keep excess weight off throughout the years of one's life.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Exercise Benefits You Can't See in the Mirror

Many times, the reason people begin a exercise program is to reap the physical benefits of it. They want to look better when they look in the mirror or fit into a certain size of clothing. However, even if your physical appearance does not change when you begin an exercise program, you are still significantly improving your health in a number of ways. So, be patient with yourself if you are not seeing physical results right away, and know that you are still improving your health and making your quality of life much better than it was. 
Image result for non mirror benefits of exercise
  • Reduce stress
    • 1 in 10 Americans suffer from stress and anxiety. However any form of exercise whether it be yoga, cardio or strength training, can reduce stress by relieving tension from the body.
  • Improve Health
    • Regular exercise can help improve a number of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol and arthritis. 
  • Elevate Mood
    • Exercise releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins that give the feeling of joy, which is why people tend to feel happy and energetic after exercising.
  • Increase Productivity
    • Working out before work can help make you more productive and give you more energy to get through your day.
  • Fall in Love with Fitness
    • When you find physical activities that you love, you will be more motivated to exercise more. The more you exercise, the more benefits you will see. 
Before you give up exercising because you are not seeing the physical benefits you are looking for, think about all of the other improvements you are making on your health. Keep it up and the results will come!

Monday, March 20, 2017

How Much Fat Should You Be Eating??

There has been a lot of debate in the past few year about high fat diets helping you to lose weight and stay healthy. But, there is more to this debate that people need to think about and pay attention to, to really reap the benefits of a more high fat diet. The quality and amount of fat paired with other nutrients is very important to consider when starting to incorporate more fat into your diet. Studies in the past few years have shown that a high fat/low carbohydrate diet promotes weight loss, helps decrease risk of heart disease, obesity and Alzheimer's. 
Fats typically have about 9 calories per gram and help the body function in a variety of ways. Healthy fats help give you energy, produce hormones, support brain function and mood and help with the absorption of fat soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K.
When increasing intake of fat, it is important to focus on the quality of the fat you are consuming:
  • Consume good quality fats at each meal to feel fuller longer, balance blood sugar and increase satisfaction
  • Consume servings of virgin coconut or olive oil, chia seeds, avocado, almonds, walnuts and pecans.
  • When increasing fat, you need to decrease another macro-nutrient to keep your energy balanced
    • Typically, you can do this by reducing your intake of refined and processed carbohydrates
  • A good way to figure out the general amount of fats you need each day, multiply your body weight by .4 for women and .5 for men. This will give you a general gram per day amount of fat to shoot for

Image result for high fat low carb

Friday, March 17, 2017

Fitness Friday

Interval Training Can Bridge The Old-Age Gap
High intensity exercise has been found to increase cellular production of proteins for ribosome creation and energy-producing mitochondria.

Exercise does many things; it boosts your immune system, increases oxygen levels to keep you clear headed and sharp, helps you get an improved sleep cycle, improves cardiovascular health and improves your overall lifespan. A study published in Cell Magazine found that high intensity interval training in biking and biking and walking improved intracellular protein production to improve lifespan. Even more importantly, the study's lead researcher Sreekumaran stated that "based on everything we know, there's no substitute for these exercise programs when it comes to delaying the age process".

The study observed 36 men and 36 women between the ages of 18-30 and 65-80 years old. The participants were enrolled in three different exercise programs which included high-intensity interval biking, strength training with weights, and one that included both of the previous programs. After a muscle biopsy, the researchers found a 49% increase in mitochondrial capacity in young adults, while in older adults the increase stood at 69%. The researchers also concluded that activities such as biking increased RNA copies of gene coding for mitochondrial proteins and proteins responsible for muscle growth along with increased production of ribosomes. Further research is currently being conducted to observe any possible further benefits that high-interval activities such as biking may have.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Difference Between Food Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerance

You may hear these three words used interchangeably to describe sensitivities to different foods that cause a reaction in the body. When you are sensitive or allergic to certain foods, the inflammation in your body may cause things like eczema, diarrhea, migraines, sinus issues and muscle pain. While you may have some of the same symptoms, some of them are easily treatable, while others are a chronic issue that could lead to life-threatening issues if not treated properly. 
Image result for food allergies
  • Food Allergy
    • An immune-system reaction to a specific protein found in a food and sees this protein as a foreign invader and produces anti-bodies to try to fight it. Symptoms can occur right after the food is consumed and can be very dangerous if not treated right away. The eight most common food allergies that we see are peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, eggs, shellfish, fish, dairy and soy. If allergic, you must avoid these foods completely. 
  • Food Sensitivity
    • While food sensitivities have some of the same symptoms as food allergies, they can also cause sleep disturbances, urinary problems and infertility issues as well. While food sensitivities are not life threatening, they are often the cause or can lead to chronic issues. When the culprit of food sensitivities is found, there can be great resolutions to any symptoms or issues that the food was causing. 
  • Food Intolerance 
    • Food intolerance are seen more often than allergies, with the most common being lactose intolerance. Such issues are identified by gas, bloating and diarrhea and are caused by the lack of lactase, which is an enzyme needed in the body to digest lactose.   
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms that come along food allergies, sensitivities or intolerance, take a look at your diet and see if you are over-consuming the common foods that cause problems. Try eliminating them for a period of time and see if it makes a difference. Consult your doctor if you suspect an allergy or sensitivity to find a way to determine what is the cause and a smart way to resolve the issue.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Eat Right To Get the Most Out Of Your Day
Getting plenty of sleep is a step in the right direction for getting the most out of your day, however eating right will ultimately determine how well your day turns out!
Image result for office eating
  1. Fuel Up Correctly:
    • Eating foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, protein and healthy fats will help you get through your day energized and come out lean. Ensuring that your portions are correct, however, will also allow you to come out on top in the long term. Not eating enough of these foods will keep your body from reaching peak performance, while eating too much will pack on the pounds.
  2. Enjoy Your Lunch Break:
    • Lunch breaks include the word break for a reason. Ensure that you are not checking emails or catching up on work so that you are not rushing through your meal. Eating your lunch slowly, will not only help you catch up on some rest but will leave you feeling more full too.
  3. Ensure Your Work Environment Enforces Healthy Decisions:
    • Keeping an abundance of sugary, unhealthy snacks in your work area will only lead to chronic snacking and sugar crashes. If you have a snack machine in your work environment, leave cash in the car to avoid the temptation. Creating healthy eating strategies will ultimately help you reach the end of the day without any excessive eating.
  4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:
    • The easiest way to tell if your hydrated at the office is to complete the old fashioned urine test; if your urine is any form of yellow, you need to drink more. Dehydration is a major proponent of those hunger pangs you think you're getting throughout the day. Drinking water will not only ensure that you're full, but will also give you more energy and reduce headaches.
  5. Move Around and Breathe:
    • Breathing is your body's ultimate energy generator, providing the body with oxygen to create ATP through one of the body's various metabolic processes. Deep breathing also allows the body to relax, leading to the revitalization of your workday. Getting up out of your chair to move around also allows you to get oxygen to your extremities in a way not possible when sitting. It also forces increased breathing, which revitalizes your day as well!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Best Foods to Fight Inflammation

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Whether you know it or not, many of the foods you eat are very acidic and cause inflammation in the body. If you do not balance it out or resolve it, you can suffer from things such as aches, pains, viruses, headaches, low energy, weight gain and indigestion. Our grocery stores and American diet are filled with foods that are acidic and cause inflammation in our bodies. We buy and consume things like processed foods, animal meat, caffeine, alcohol, refined flours and pasteurized dairy that are all highly acidic forming in the body. There are foods however, that we can eat more of that will be restorative and healing to the body that can reduce inflammation, which in turn, supports better long term health. Some of the best foods for this include:
  • Green Leafy Vegetables
    • These are full of nutrition including anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. Load up on kale, spinach and lettuce. Majority of your meals should be made up of fruits and vegetables to maintain pH balance in your body.
  • Turmeric
    • Turmeric is becoming more popular and can be found almost anywhere now. It has great anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to fight simple colds and flus, liver damage and prevent some cancers. 
  • Fish Oils 
    • The best sources of this come from fish, but the best benefits come from wild caught salmon and smaller, oilier fish like sardines and anchovies. Fish oils are a great source of nutrition that can relieve inflammation. 
  • Berries
    • Berries tend to be lower in sugar that other fruits and contain a large amount of anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants.
  • Walnuts
    • Not only a good source of protein, but walnuts are a great source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Consuming walnuts on a regular basis can help support brain health, as well as reducing inflammation throughout the body. 
  • Coconut Oil
    • Coconut oil is a high anti-inflammatory fat that is easily digestible and not readily stored as fat. Coconut oil also contains antimicrobial and anti fungal properties that aids in reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure and boosting the immune system.  

Monday, March 13, 2017

Managing Free Food in the Office

Those of us that work in an office setting know how though it can be when they are treats in the break room. From donuts being brought it, to a fully stocked candy bowl at the front desk and treats being brought it for birthdays on a regular basis, it seems like there are always unhealthy temptations in an office setting. It can be a struggle for those of us trying to maintain a healthy diet to walk past all of the junk and sweets all day without giving into temptation and end up eating it anyway. However, there are a few things you can do and reminders you can give yourself to help avoid consuming whatever unhealthy foods are sitting in the office each day.
Image result for free office food

  • Reward Your Resistance
    • Each time you walk past the break room or candy bowl and do not reach in, reward yourself with something small (that is not food). Over time, you will create the habit to just walk by and it will become easier to not give in to temptations. 
  • Be Mindful Not Mindless
    • Instead of immediately reaching and consuming that unhealthy food, pick it uo and take it back to your desk. This will allow you to truly think about if you want that item, or if you were just going to eat it because it was there. 
  • Spend All of Your Willpower on Meals
    • Focus on eating 3 or 4 meals a day to eliminate too much snacking throughout the day. Make sure your meals are satisfying and nutritious, so you don't feel the need to reach for the unhealthy treats in the office because you are starving. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Fitness Friday

Gym Etiquette Tips Everyone Should Know
Worried about getting strange looks in the gym from other people? No worries! These tips will keep your workout great and the unwanted stares away.

  1. Wipe Down the Equipment After Use: Nobody enjoys sitting down in a germ infested closed-in area, and that's basically what you are setting up for the next person who uses the piece of equipment you just used and didn't wipe down. Nobody likes the person who doesn't wipe down equipment after using it, and believe me when I say this: You will get stares from everyone at the gym for being PigPen.
  2. There's a Difference Between Breathing & Grunting: Gymtimidation is a real thing, and you will receive stares for it. The phrase that has made Planet Fitness famous, along with the lunk alarm that follows any activity that resembles said phrase, doesn't make you look any cooler. Instead of grunting when working out, try breathing out at the sticking point of your resistance training. Instead of lifting and slamming weights that you can't keep proper technique with, try using weights that you can complete sets with and gently put down. Making the least amount of noise as possible when working out goes a long way.
  3. Put Equipment Back In The Right Place When You're Done Using It: One of my personal pet peeves is seeing equipment on the floor right next to the rack, with the person who was previously using it nowhere to be seen. It takes two seconds to re-rack equipment that you were using, and it makes you look that much better as a gym citizen in good standing. I can guarantee that if you walk a dumbbells across the gym and leave them there when you're done, or if you put equipment back in the wrong place, you will get menacing stares from other members. Remember, its the simple things that make gym experiences that much better for everyone.
  4. Share Equipment With Other Members: If someone wants to work in a set with you, let them. Use their usage time as a gauge for your rest time if you want, however if you're completing hypertrophy/power/strength sets you may want to wait a little longer. Also, don't hog multiple pieces of equipment at one time. It's inconvenient for gym flow and inconsiderate for others who wish to use one of those pieces of equipment. SHARE THE HEALTH!!!
  5. Wear Deodorant &/Or Cologne: I really don't think that this needs an explanation...
  6. Dress Appropriately: There's a difference between dressing comfortably and dressing appropriately. Wearing a tank top to the gym to allow free movement for exercise activities involving a certain muscle group are acceptable, however if the attire is showing more than you would want to see on other gym goers, you might want to rethink your outfit.
  7. Have Fun!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hidden Sources of Protein

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Protein is one of the three most important macro nutrients that we need to consume to maintain functionality in our lives. We need protein in our diet to maintain pH balance, fluid levels, hormones and enzymes. When you hear about different sources of protein to consume, you often hear things like lean meats, dairy and eggs. However, a more meat-free or vegan diet is becoming more popular, and so are other, plant-based sources of protein that we don't realize have just as much protein in them as meat or dairy sources. 

  • Tempeh: 31 grams of protein for 1 cup
  • Buckwheat: 23 grams of protein for 1 cup
  • Tofu: 8 grams of protein for 3 ounces
  • Lentils: 18 grams of protein for 1 cup of cooked lentils
  • Edamame: 17 grams of protein for 1 cup
  • Black Beans: 15 grams of protein for 1 cup cooked beans
  • Quinoa: 8 grams of protein for 1 cup cooked
All of these sources of plant-based proteins can be incorporated into meals as a replacement of starches or other carbohydrate side dishes like rice. Not only do they often have more nutrients, but they have a great amount of protein, to give the meal the proper nutrients it needs. Some of these options are a great substitute for meat, while others are great to be tossed into a soup or salad to give it protein.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Physical Activity Has A More Significant Impact On Cardiovascular Disease In Comparison To Obesity Than Previously Thought
The long term impacts of physical activity may outweigh the negative impacts of being overweight or obese in regards to cardiovascular health.

A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology observed more than 5,000 people 55 years or older, and followed up with them 15 years later. The study tested the scientific modality of obesity and being overweight leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The prescription of this problem, is to lose weight. However, losing weight in the elderly population is usually associated with muscle loss and death due to the process being unintentional. Due to this association of weight loss in the elderly population, researchers investigated the distinct link between BMI and physical activity on the cardiovascular systems in the elderly population. Information about the physical activity, BMI, smoking, alcohol use, diet, education and family history were also collected during the study to weed out any misleading links.
The researchers analyzed the results of those who registered for the study between 1997-2001, 15 years later, and found that there was a distinct link between a reduced risk of heart disease with physical activity, but that there was no association between BMI alone and heart disease risk. The researchers also calculated that there was no increased risk for cardiovascular disease for obese or overweight patients who participated in physical activity, but overweight or obese patients who did not participate in physical activity were 1.33 and 1.35 times more likely to be at risk for cardiovascular disease. Guidelines for physical activity include at least 150 minutes of exercise a week.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Health and Wellness Trends of 2017

Every year, we see health and wellness trends surface that claim to be the next up and coming thing when it comes to being healthy. While sometimes these trends come and go, some of them are worth taking on as a new habit to better your health. Additionally, these health and wellness trends are not always food and exercise related, but rather healthy behaviors that improve overall well-being. In 2017, we are seeing a lot more mental and emotional health and wellness trends and not so many food and exercise trends. 
Image result for 2017 health and wellness trends
  • Plant-based Protein
    • More and more, we are seeing people try to eat less meat in their meals and replace it with plant-based sources of protein. These include foods such as lentils, chickpeas, nut butters, avocado and quinoa. 
  • More Veggies
    • Not just eating more veggies, but substituting things like rice and noodles with vegetables. We keep seeing grocery stores stock up on pre-made zucchini noodles, sweet potato noodles and cauliflower rice in an attempt to eliminate processed and refined carbohydrates.
  • Golden Milk Latte
    • This is one of those things that people will either love or hate, and may not stick around as a health trend. Lattes made with turmeric for an anti-inflammatory boost are becoming the next best thing in the health world. Not only are these lattes gaining popularity, but recipes in general that include turmeric are gaining traction to be some of the healthiest foods out there. 
  • More Reading, Less TV
    • Moving away from food-related wellness, many people set intentions for this year to carve out more time for reading and cutting back on watching TV. Books can be great for continued learning, self-help, leisure and encouragement.
  • Natural Beauty
    • Non-toxic make-up and beauty products are becoming more popular and more brand-name items are eliminating toxic ingredients to make their products safe to use. Also, the new make-up trend is more natural and less make-up is better!
  • Minimalism
    • While this is seen in the mainstream with the popular trend of "tiny houses", being more minimalist and not having as much junk is definitely becoming more popular. With life always seeming so hectic and cluttered, people seem to be trying to live more simplistic in order to maintain a calm, simple life.
  • Phone-less Bedrooms
    • Our bedrooms are supposed to be a calming, peaceful place to be and to get the rest you need to be able to function properly. However, since cell phones and tablets have become the norm, we use them to set alarms, which in turn puts them right next to the bed with easy access to use it at any time. The problem with this, is instead of reading or resting, we're spending time on our phones, taking away from any time we have to relax during the day. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month! Each year, there is a new theme for National Nutrition Month that gives people something to focus on in the coming months and for the rest of the year. In general, this campaign is to create sound eating and physical activity habits in the general population of people. The theme for the 2017 National Nutrition Month is "Put Your Best Fork Forward" which gives us all the reminder that we hold the tool to make better nutrition decisions for ourselves and our lives and that making small shifts in our nutrition habits can make a big difference in the long run. 

The key messages that are being pushed this year are as follows:

  • Create an eating style that includes a variety of healthful, nutritious foods.
  • Practice cooking more at home and being creative with new ingredients and cooking methods.
  • How much we eat is as important as what we eat. Make sure that you are eating the right amount for you and your lifestyle. 
  • Find activities that you enjoy and be active on most days of the week.
  • Manage your weight and health risks by meeting with a registered dietitian and getting a meal plan that works for you. 
Image result for national nutrition month 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Maintenance Programs Are Key to Keeping Weight Off
A recent study confirms that maintenance programs are key to keeping shed weight off in the long term.

Results of a randomized trial for weight loss intervention were published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. The study followed a group of obese outpatients who lost an average of 16lbs over 16 weeks, and utilized a maintenance program to attempt to keep off the average of 2-3lbs that usually accompanies a large amount of weight loss. participants were randomly assigned to the normally accompanied care model or to the intervention model of care in question. The intervention program focused on providing the weight loss patients with the skills to keep the weight off. The 56-week intervention consisted of constant phone contact for the first 42 weeks, and then no contact during the last 14 weeks. The results were a net regain of an average of 1.5lbs compared to the usual 5lbs in the normal care program over the same period of time.
The MOG goes beyond the study's maintenance program, by keeping in touch with members every two weeks at a minimum. The exercise program design offered by the MOG not only provides maintenance to keep off the weight, but to shed the weight in the first place as well. The MOG also offers personal advice, rather than strictly over the phone contact as exhibited in this study.