Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Best Ways to Fight Fatigue

Simply being tired is different than being fatigued. Fatigue can be caused by a lot of different lifestyle factors that you may not even realize. So, let's take a deeper look into some of the underlying reasons that may cause you to feel fatigued, and what you can do to feel more energized and engaged in your daily life. 
First of all, you need to realize that you are not feeling your best and decide to figure out what is going on and set a goal to make it better. Without sitting down and actually realizing that you are experiencing fatigue, you may never know what is going on and never start to feel better. 

Image result for fighting fatigue
  • Sleep
    • While this might seem obvious, not getting enough sleep is one of the most common causes of fatigue. While it is recommended that we get 7-8 hours each night, if you are constantly fatigued, you may need more until your body is feeling back to normal.
  • Address the Root Cause
    • If you do not already have it narrowed down, take a look into your lifestyle and break down what is causing you to feel fatigued. Is it stress, lack of sleep, poor diet? Once you narrow it down, start working on one thing at a time.
  • Eat and Drink Well
    • If you are not eating and drinking well, your body is probably lacking in important vitamins and minerals that it needs to function properly. Take a look into your diet and be sure that you are incorporating clean, whole foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Do Less
    • A lot of times, without even realizing it, our to-do lists become longer than we can handle, which causes us to be stressed and in turn, fatigued. Take a look at everything you have going on in your life and see what things you can push to the way side or get someone else to do it for you. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Physical Therapy Forms of Treatment Provide Alternatives to Opioids and Opioid Addiction
Researchers at the University of Stanford have found that therapies that include electrotherapy and acupuncture (or alternatively dry-needling) are proven forms of pain-management that reduce opioid consumption.

The United States president's opioid commission has called for a state of emergency due to the vast amount of overdoses that have occurred in many communities throughout the country. Many pundits blame prescription opioids for spurring the heroin problem that we now have, which has spurred many researchers to attempt to find alternatives for opioids in regards to pain management. One such research group at the University of Stanford analyzed drug-free interventions including cryotherapy, pre operative exercise, electrotherapy, and acupuncture after total knee replacements. 

The researchers identified 39 randomized clinical trials that included a total amount of  2,391 patients that met the desired criteria for the research analysis. The study ultimately found that acupuncture and electrotherapy provided sufficient evidence as an alternative for postoperative pain management and reduced opioid consumption. There was also low-certainty evidence that cryotherapy reduced opioid consumption, but no certainty that it reduced pain. The research also found no clear link between continuous passive motion along with pre operative exercise and reduced opioid consumption and reduced pain. More research is still warranted regarding these findings, however, it is promising that therapy techniques already commonly utilized in physical therapy reduce opioid consumption and are readily available to anyone postoperatively. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

A ketogenic diet seems to be all the rage right now in the health and wellness field. But, do you really know what this diet entails and if it is something that is appropriate for you and your lifestyle? 
The Ketogenic diet is a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that is known for weight  loss, insulin sensitivity and brain health. Eating this type of diet forces your body to use up all of it's carbohydrate stores and turn fat into ketones to use for energy. On a ketogenic diet, the macronutrients typically look like 70-80% fat, 10-20% protein and 5-10% carbohydrates. On this type of diet, you food intake will include whole, clean foods like pastured eggs, wild-caught salmon, organic chicken, grass-fed beef, organic and fermented dairy products, non-starchy vegetables, nuts and seeds, avocado and anti-inflammatory oils. This diet avoids processed foods, refined sugar, grains and fruits.
Cutting out highly processed and sugary foods is highly beneficial for your gut microbiome and helps get rid of any digestive issues that may be going on. While there are a lot of healthy benefits to eating this way, one of the biggest down falls is that for the first few days before your body reaches "ketosis", you may get something known as the "keto flu". As your body is using up all of its glycogen stores, it is searching for more carbohydrates to use for energy, but cannot find them due to the nature of the diet. Until your body reaches ketosis and begins using fat as its fuel source, you may feel tired, weak, irritable, achy and perform poorly in your workouts. However, once this passes, you will likely feel an increase in energy, mental clarity and reduced hunger.
Additionally, a Ketogenic diet is probably not one that will last forever. While it is good for weight loss, it can be difficult to maintain below 50 grams of carbohydrates per day, for very long. However, after reaching your first set of goals, it is easier to maintain a lower-carb, moderate-protein and high fat diet for longer periods of time. 

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Monday, August 28, 2017

What You Should do After Your Workout

To reap the most benefits of getting in a good workout, you have to pay attention to what are doing after your workout. Properly re-fueling and taking care of your body after stressing it during a workout will allow you to better achieve your workout goals and allow your body to heal and stay healthy. 
  • Commit to a Cool Down
    • Even if you are pressed, for time, it is still very important to take at least 2-3 minutes to allow your body to cool down and your heart rate to come back down to normal.
  • Stretch the Muscles you Worked
    • Taking the time while your muscles are still warm to stretch them out will help prevent injury, increase mobilization, improve posture and take a few moments to relax after a tough workout. 
  • Wash your Hands
    • This one is probably something that you do not hear often, but in a gym setting, there are a lot of people touching and handling equipment when they are sweaty and spreading their germs throughout the gym. So, before leaving, make sure you give your hands a good wash and always remember to wipe down the equipment after using it to prevent germs from spreading to too many people. 
  • Swap Out your Shoes
    • Before leaving the gym, switch out your shoes so you get in the habit of having a designated pair of shoes for your workout to keep them lasting longer and in better shape. 
  • Refill your Water Bottle
    • It is easy to keep your bottle with you and to keep drinking during your workout, but it is easy to forget about it after you leave the gym. It is most important to stay hydrated following your workout, so make sure you fill your water back up and keep drinking after leaving the gym. 
  • Have Some Post-Workout Fuel
    • In order to help refuel and rebuild your muscles, have a healthy snack that includes protein within a half hour following your workout. 
  • Prep your Gym Bag for your Next Workout
    • Packing your bag for your next workout will help to keep you motivated and set you up for long term success. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Fitness Friday

A Scientifically Proven 'Weigh' to Keep Off the Freshman-15
It turns out that keeping off the Freshman-15 is as easy as putting yourself on a scale once a day.

It's that time of year again. It's the time of back to school sales, making a list and checking it twice to ensure nothing was left behind and home, and of course to make a plan that ensures you won't gain the infamous Freshman-15; an average weight gain of about 15 pounds that's caused by poor diet and a lack of exercise due to an exuberance of studying...and maybe a little partying. So what are some things that you can do to ensure that you don't gain a significant amount of weight your first year of college? Researchers at Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania had the same question and set out to find the answer through a study conducted using 294 college freshman females. 

The study consisted of women of various weight categories measuring their BMI and body fat percentage at a baseline, six month and two-year time frame. Inspired by previous research and weight loss strategies that promote weighing yourself daily, the researchers designed their study around a daily weighing routine for the college freshman to see how it would affect the typical weight gain that affects 70% of all college freshman. The researchers found at the conclusion of the study that the group that weighed themselves daily not only did not see a gain in weight but experienced weight loss in many cases. This loss in weight provided a small, but significant, positive change in BMI and body fat percentage. The group who did not weigh themselves daily, on the other hand, saw an increase in weight or little positive change in their BMI. Despite this positive outcome and a possible link between daily weighing and weight loss, more research is warranted to validate the link. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Ways to Stop Overeating

Overeating is something that is very easy to do and is something that many people do almost daily. Whether it is not taking your time to eat or having a lot of stress in your life, overeating is something that just tends to happen without us even realizing it. However, this is something that can easily be avoided by learning hunger cues and simply taking your time to eat. Take a look at some of your lifestyle factors to see why you may be overeating on a daily basis and how you can fix it. 

  • Look Ahead
    • Before you eat, or grab something that is not a healthy choice, think about how you will feel after you eating. Taking the time to think about the choice you are about to make before you make it will help you make a better decision about if you really want it. 
  • Eat Slower
    • It takes time for your stomach to tell your mind that you are full. Therefore, if you meal your entire meal in 5 minutes, your brain will not know you are full and you are more likely to get another, unneeded helping. So, take your time while eating so your body has time to tell you that it is full and that you do not need anymore food.
  • Eat Mindfully
    • Just like eating too slowly, eating while you are driving, working or watching TV sets you up for failure. Since you are focused on other things besides eating, your brain will miss the cue that it is full/ 
  • Get Your Stress Under Control
    • Whether it is work or family, there is always going to be some sort of stressor in your life. This stress can wreck havoc in your life in a lot of ways, including overeating. Sometimes, stress in uncontrollable, but if you plan ahead and know that you tend to overeat when you are stressed, you can be more mindful about your meals and go into it being mindful about your food and not being distracted by other things. 
  • Eat Before you are Hungry
    • Not allowing yourself to get so hungry to the point where you eat everything in sight will help you eat enough to satisfy your hunger, but not overeat. 
  • Learn Your Hunger Cues
    • This one is very important and can be different for everybody, but learning how your body tells you it is hungry, and listening to those cues will allow you to eat when you are hungry and need fuel, rather than ignore them and get to the point where you are too hungry. Some hunger cues that your body may have include, stomach grumbling, headaches, low energy and irritability. 
Test each of these tips and assess which of these contribute to your own overeating and to see what you need to do to avoid that in your life. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

How to Tell if You Have Eclipse Eyes (Disclaimer: This Isn't a Good Thing)
Worried that Monday's eclipse may have damaged your eyes? Here are some ways to tell if those few seconds of darkness may permanently keep you in the dark.

Monday's eclipse was awesome, especially if you were in the 'Path of Totality'. Regardless if you were lucky enough to snag a place on Air BnB or a camping spot in someone's backyard, you probably heard or saw enough about it on some form of social media. In fact, it was the top trending topic of the day in the US, next to 'how to know if the eclipse damaged your eyes'. Despite numerous disclaimers and warnings from medical professionals everywhere, there were still some people that may have caught a glimpse of the great event without the proper eye attire. So, if you're one of those people who are worried about permanently losing your eyesight, or at least damaging it, here are some signs to look for that will either put you at ease or send you to your physician.
Here are some answers to questions you might have regarding possible eye damage:
  • It takes at least 12 hours for the damage to take effect. That means if you're not having any problems seeing right now (i.e. spots missing in your vision) you're in the clear. If you looked at the eclipse through a phone or glasses, you're definitely in the clear as well. Eye damage can only take place with those who stared directly at the sun.
  • If your eyes hurt even when wearing the glasses, it's because you were only using the receptors that are responsible for blue and green light. Once you take the glasses off, you're being exposed to a vast amount of colors on the color spectrum and your eyes are overwhelmed which causes the pain some might have experienced. 
  • If you are experiencing vision loss or damage, you should see an optometrist or ophthalmologist as soon as possible to see what can be done. Staying indoors does not prevent you from doing any more damage than being outside would, however, staying indoors may feel more comfortable due to the customized lighting available.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Fitness Friday

Those Who Are Overweight/Obese but Still 'Bio-metrically Fit' are Still at an Increased Risk of Heart Disease
Research has found that the previous notion that those who were overweight but still bio-metrically fit were healthy, has been quashed with a shown increased risk of heart diseased in the studied population.

The 'fat but fit', or 'bio-metrically fit', myth has long had many believe you were healthy even if you are overweight or obese, but had healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. New research from the Imperial College of London has busted that myth, however, with the finding that those who were overweight or obese were at an up to 28% increased risk of heart disease. The storage of too much fat in the body, which is what leads to the classification of being overweight or obese, leads to an increase in blood pressure, high blood sugar, and unhealthy changes in cholesterol levels. There are some, overweight/obese individuals, however, that do not experience these changes and have been deemed metabolically fit in previous medical literature. The research conducted by scientists at the Imperial College of London and the University of Cambridge has finally found evidence contrary to the previous claim.
The researchers utilized data from over half a million people in 10 European countries, and studied the 5 year follow up. The researchers classified the individuals in the study according to BMI classification, lifestyle factors (smoking, diet, exercise and socioeconomic status), and were categorized as unhealthy if they met the threshold of three or more metabolic biomarkers. The researchers concluded that in the healthy group, there were variations depending on the participant's weight. Compared to those at normal weight, those who were classified as overweight were 26% more likely to have a cardiovascular event and those who were obese were at a 28% increased risk compared to those of normal health and weight. This study shows that regardless of 'healthy' metabolic indicators, weight still plays a large role in determining health outcomes. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Signs You Shouldn't Push Through a Workout

Sometimes it is hard for us to listen to our bodies when it comes to skipping a workout or stopping in the middle of it. But, listening to our bodies, especially when it is telling us to take a break, is one of the best things for us to maintain a healthy body and workout routine. There are certain times when your body is telling you to take a break, and you should listen to it to avoid getting injured or sick.

  1. You feel sick.
    • If you start feeling like you have some sort of illness coming on, there's a good chance that your body is working hard to fight it. Piling on an intense workout session while you are fighting something is never a good idea. Exercise is stress on the body, and when you are sick, your body does not need anymore stress. Additionally, making your body exercise while it's fighting away an illness could prolong your symptoms and make it harder to recover and get back to your normal routine. 
  2. Something hurts.
    • Pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. So, pay attention to these signs and take care of it before it turns into something worse. Attempting to work through feelings of pain will make the symptoms worse and delay the healing process. 
  3. You're having trouble breathing.
    • If you are doing a high-intensity workout, chances are you will be out of breath, but it is how quickly you recover that you should pay attention to. If you struggle to breathe during your workout, take a step back and decrease the intensity of your workouts.
  4. You feel light-headed.
    • Feeling light-headed could be an indication of a variety of issues including cardiovascular, metabolic or respiratory problems. If you begin to feel faint or light-headed during exercise, stop immediately to prevent a serious issue from happening. 
  5. You experience chest pain, pressure or discomfort. 
    • While this is rare, and normally only happens to individuals with an underlying heart issue, feeling any sense of pressure or discomfort in the chest while exercise is a sign that you should stop right away. Go to a doctor to see if there is something more serious going on with your heart. 
At the end of the day, exercise is always your best bet and you should always be physically active. However, there are certain times when you should take a step back and take a few days off from exercise, or decrease the intensity of your workouts. So, listen to your body and take into consideration what it is trying to tell you. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

The Type of Video Game You're Playing May Affect Your Memory Attention
Games such as Call of Duty may be associated with a shrinkage in the hippocampus, whereas games such as Super Mario are associated with a positive effect in the hippocampus.

A device that has the ability to play video games is present in 65% of American households. Perhaps even more staggering is the percentage of children who play video games, standing at 91%. With video games playing such a vital role in American children's' lives and upbringing, it is perhaps vital that we gain a better understanding of the effect that different genres of video games have on our youth. One such group of researchers had that same exact question and reviewed dozens of studies to see if there was a correlation between the type of video games a person played and the effect on a specific body part. 
After reviewing the studies, the researchers gathered 33 different participants and interviewed them on how often they played video games coupled with an MRI scan on their brains. The initial scans on those who reported playing 19 hours or more of action video games, such as Call of Duty, had less gray matter in their hippocampus than those who reported not playing any video games. The results were statistically significant in regards to the difference in the part of the brain that deals with spatial navigation, stress relief, and memory.
The researchers then took 443 new participants, and placed them in a designed controlled study where they were to spend 90 hours over 10 weeks playing either action-based video games or super Mario games. The conclusion of the study found that those who played action based video games lost gray matter in their hippocampus, whereas those who played the Mario games improved their gray matter. While those who play action-based video games may be alarmed with this conclusion, they should know that, as with anything else, moderation is key. And for those looking for a game to increase their hippocampus' ability, they should shoot for a 3-D based game with puzzles.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Guide to Cooking Oils

Despite what you may think or that others may tell you, not all cooking oils are the same and are meant to be used in the same type of preparation when cooking. They all have different properties and are best when used in particular dishes or cooked at certain temperatures. Also, there are a ton of different types of oils out there, some that you may not have ever heard of before. 
  • Olive Oil 
    • Olive oil is one that has been up for debate, it does have a lower smoke point and cooking past that temperature makes it lose a good amount of nutrients. Olive oil's smoke point is 325, so is best used for sauteing and making salad dressings. 
  • Peanut Oil
    • Peanut oil is good to use when deep frying, due to its high smoke point at 450 degrees. However, peanut oil does not keep well, so keep an eye on expiration dates and use up before it goes bad.
  • Avocado Oil
    • Avocado oil has the highest smoke point of oils at about 520 degrees, so it is great to use when grilling. For a better tasting avocado oil, choose an unrefined-cold pressed oil.
  • Coconut Oil
    • Coconut oil is a great oil for cooking and baking and is a good replacement for butter due to its similar texture. Coconut oil is also great for making dips and dressings because of its exotic flavor. 
  • Walnut Oil
    • Walnut oil is another one that has a low smoke point so is best used for dressings and desserts. Walnut oil can also have a bitter taste when cooked, so is best saved for things like dressing your salad.
Image result for cooking oils

Monday, August 14, 2017

Minimalist Approach to Exercise

For those of you that are just looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not have the time or desire to participate in long, expensive workout programs or classes, there is a way to make your workouts easy and effective without being complicated. By sticking to the basics, you can be fit and healthy for the long run. When life gets tough or time gets tight, sticking to a basic fitness routine will keep you in shape and accountable for sticking with your workouts, even if you are in a time where it seems difficult to do so. A minimalist workout program should include strength, cardio and mobility to make it effective.

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  • Mobility
    • Before and after your workout, you should include some soft tissue foam rolling of the bigger, muscles such as the quads, back hamstrings and hips. You should also do this after a workout along with some dynamic stretches that mimic the movements of your workout. This portion of your workout does not need to be extensive, but needs to be done in order to make a difference. 
  • Strength
    • When it comes to strength training, lifting, pushing and pulling movements are the ones to focus on the most if you are trying to be efficient. Exercises like squats, push-ups and lunges. Performing these exercises will help you perform these movements better in life. You should be strength training and performing these types of movements about 2-3 times per week. 
  • Cardio
    • Cardiovascular workouts can often times be combined with your strength training workout to make it a quick, effect H.I.I.T workout. Your cardio can also include things like yard work, housework, hiking and biking. Instead of spending a lot of time on long, low-intensity cardio activities, try to spend less time on more intense, short bursts of cardio. 
The key in taking a minimalist approach to exercise is to make it simple and attainable, yet physically challenging. The more confidence you have in being able to complete your workouts on a regular basis, the more likely you are to do so. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Fitness Friday

Moderate Physical Activity Could Reduce Fatigue & Cognitive in Cancer Survivors
Researchers at the University of Illinois have found that moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, reduces risk of fatigue & "chemo brain".

The majority of cancer survivors leave chemotherapy treatment feeling overly fatigued and mentally exhausted, but according to recent research conducted by the University of Illinois, moderate activity may be the answer to the post treatment woes. Many patients who have just undergone treatment often complain about memory problems or shortened attention spans, much like the decline seen in age related memory problem patients. Researchers, on the basis of the previously mentioned complaints and past studies concluding a positive link between exercise and age-related memory loss, looked at the association between physical activity, cognitive function and fatigue in 300 breast cancer roughly survivors. The researchers utilized an accelerometer and  a neuroscience app called BrainBaseline include and utilize questionnaires and activities that measure attention , memory and multitasking skills. The results exhibited a correlation between higher results on the activities and questionnaires and those who partook in more physical activity. More research is currently being conducted to affirm this data, and further establish a correlation.
The American Cancer Society lists these further effects that survivors can receive upon further exercise:
  • Keep or improve physical abilities
  • Improve balance and reduce risk of falls
  • Lower the risk of heart disease
  • Reduce nausea
  • Improve ability to retain social contacts
  • Improve quality of life
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Improve weight control
  • Improve blood flow and reduce risk of clots
  • Reduce fatigue

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Why You Are So Tired??

Are you someone who seems to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night but still wake up feeling tired or start to crash in the afternoon? You are not alone and in fact, about 20% of Americans fall into this category. In today's society, people tend to have more stress, work longer hours, spend less time with family and friends and don't take the time to travel or go on vacation. However, even though these things can make you feel exhausted, there may be other causes, especially if you are getting enough sleep each night.

  • You are not exercising enough
    • This can be a tough one. When you are tired, not sleeping well and stressed, the last thing you have energy for is a workout. However, even a quick, low-intensity workout will help boost your energy levels, even if you think it won't.
  • You are exercising too much
    • There is a fine line between training hard and over training. While it is a great thing to have a regular exercise routine, your body also needs to rest and recover. To avoid ca feeling exhausted from exercising too much, schedule rest days into your workout routine and actually stick with them.
  • You do not have good gut health
    • In the past few years, there has been a lot of research about how the health of your gut relates to emotions, energy, immunity, skin health and even chronic disease. When your gut health is out of balance, you may notice symptoms of allergies, lowered immune response and poor sleep, resulting in making you feel exhausted. 
  • You are not sleeping as well as you think
    • Sometimes, we wake up throughout the night or have a minor sleep disorder and don't even know it. Although we go to bed early, having an inconsistent night of sleep will effect you throughout the next day. If you think this may be you, a sleep study may be a good thing to look into. 
Feeling sluggish and exhausted each and every day is not normal and is not a good way to live. So, take a look into your exercise routine, nutrition and sleep habits to determine what the underlying cause of your exhaustion could possibly be.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Cut Your C-Section and Diabetes Risk in Pregnancy With Moderate Exercise & Dieting
According to a recent survey conducted by Queen Mary University of London found that moderate exercise and dieting resulted in a reduced risk of  c-section and diabetes.

Queen Mary University of London conducted research to monitor the link between moderate exercise and c-section, excessive weight gain, and diabetes in women who are pregnant. The research used data from over 12,000 women and involved over 50 researchers from 41 scientific institutions. The research was spurred by the growing number of overweight women who become pregnant (50% of the pregnant population), and the risk that it puts both mother and offspring at. Previous thought and practice cautioned pregnant women about exercise, because of fear that it would harm the offspring. However, the benefits of the women who participated in the study showed that physical activity and dieting reduced maternal weight gain, diabetes in pregnancy, and the risk of requiring a c-section.
The study specifically looked at 12,526 women across 36 previous trials in 16 countries. These studies compared the effects of dieting (restricting sugar intake, and increasing low-fat and fruits/vegetable products) and moderate physical activity. Successfully following both guidelines saw an average drop in weight gain of about 1.5lbs, a reduced c-section risk of 10% and a reduced risk of developing diabetes by about 24%.
Benefits of moderate exercise during pregnancy also include:

  • Reduced risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia
  • Helps prevent excessive prenatal weight and body fat gain
  • Improves mood, energy level and sleep patterns
  • Enhances posture and balance
  • Improves muscle tone, strength and endurance
  • Reduces lower back pain and shortens the duration of active labor
  • Reduces the risk of preterm birth and large-for-gestational age infants
Recommendations for muscle strengthening exercise during pregnancy are also as follows: 
  • Choose lighter weights and more repetitions
  • Using resistance bands over free weights
  • Do not lift weights in a supine position
  • Avoid twisting motions and sudden movements such as lunges or Russian twists
  • Listen to any signals your body is sending you

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight

Common Weight-Loss Mistakes

We are all susceptible to wanting the quick fix to achieve the ultimate weight-loss success. Having this mindset can often lead to mistakes that eventually get in the way of long-term goals that are trying to be achieved.  Here are seven of the biggest and most common weight-loss mistakes dietitians see according to real-life RD's.

1. There are Many Different Rules
Many people hear not eating after 7pm is a "rule." That does not work for people who work night shift or wake up early.  Melissa Rifkin, MS, RD recommends you stop eating two hours before bedtime.
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2. Cheat Days
Employing cheat days is a common tactic to motivate oneself while on a strict diet.  Rifkin recommends a cheat meal* because cheating a whole day can trigger you to go off track from your healthy habits.
Alcohol is another issue.  People forget to count alcohol calories. One glass of wine is an extra 100 calories so (700 calories added per week). This adds up over time and can slow weight loss. Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD recommends reducing the intake by half or cut back to three nights a week!

3. Not Eating Enough
Many people think eating less is better, that is not the case.  You need to find the time to plan and prep your meals.  Instead of eating in an overly restricted manner, Abbey Sharp, RD, suggests choosing high-quality, nutrient-dense foods rather than just looking at the calories.  By substituting high-protein, high-fiber options for high-sugar, high-fat snacks, she says you'll naturally eat fewer calories without overdoing it.

4. Thinking Short-Term
Many people complete a short-term cleanse diet.  Angie Asche, MS, RD, says weight gain is rapid after ending a seven or 21 day cleanse.  Fasting for too long can slow metabolism making it difficult to keep the weight off.  Try and stick to a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy unsaturated fats.  Always drink plenty of water!

5. Not Tracking Intake
Image result for weight loss
This is an easy common weight-loss down fall.  Keeping a food log will not only keep you honest, it also provides a realistic picture of your overall intake.  It is easy to forget about the foods you've eaten throughout the day, so journaling helps keep you accountable!

6. Overeating Healthy Foods
Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, says many people think as long as they eat clean or organic, the calories don't count.  You can overdo healthy foods and the best recommendation is to measure out portions every time until you can eyeball the appropriate amount.

7. Focusing Only on Weight
Many people measure success only by the number on the scale.  There are many different ways to measure success.  Bonnie Taub-Dix, Ma, RD says being able to say "no, thank you" without feeling deprived, being able to say "yes, thank you" without feeling guilty and being able to balance each meal of the day is a success.  Positive self-talk and consistency when making sensible food decisions can fuel weight loss and self-esteem!


Monday, August 7, 2017

Smoothies to Get Your Morning Started

Jump Start to your Morning!

These smoothies are clean recipes that use whole and natural foods.  Each one is packed with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats so you'll be full and ready for your day!

1. Coconut Milk Smoothie
- 1 cup light coconut milk
- Large ripe banana
- 1 cup raw spinach
- 2 tablespoons dried coconut flakes (unsweetened)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2. Cinnamon Chai Tea Banana Smoothie
Add a scoop of grass-fed whey protein powder to this to boost high levels of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids!
- 6 oz cup pre-brewed chai tea, cooled
- 1/2 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 frozen banana
Image result for orange smoothie- 1 tsp organic vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 5 ice cubes

3. Immune Booster Orange Smoothie
-  1 cup of loosely packed sweet potato puree (1 large potato, skin removed)
- 1/4 tsp each ground turmeric, cinnamon and ginger
- 1/2 Tbs flaxseed meals or chia seeds
- 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk                   
- Handful of ice
- Optional: 1 Tbs of Almond butter
-Optional: 1/4 cup of orange juice

Friday, August 4, 2017

Fitness Friday

Resistance Training May Slow Multiple Sclerosis Progression
It has recently been shown that physical activity can relieve many of the symptoms of MS, including excessive fatigue and mobility. However, new research shows that resistance training may protect the nervous system and thus slow progression of the disease. 

For decades, physicians advised their patients diagnosed with MS against taking part in physical activity, for fear that it may exacerbate and worsen the condition. However, recent research has shown that physical activity actually has the opposite effect of what was previously thought and that exercise actually benefits those diagnosed with MS. Physical activity may have even more benefit for prevention in these patients, however, due to recent research conducted by Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital, the University of Southern Denmark, and the University Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. The researchers followed 35 people with multiple sclerosis for six months, with half of the group engaging in physical exercise two times a week and the other half living their lives without regimented exercise.

Prior to the six-month training, the participants had their brains MR Scanned. Upon completion of the program, the researchers found that there was a tendency of less brain shrinkage in the patients who had a regimented workout. For patients with MS, there are already drugs that counter the effects of brain shrinkage. However, if further studies conducted on this matter confirm the initial findings of slowing brain shrinkage, the effects could be even greater when coupled with the drug. With further research needed in this area, the researchers recommended that patients with MS not throw themselves into exercise programs without first seeking professional advice. 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sweet Recipes to use Up Those Summer Zucchini's

Many of you who have your own vegetable garden or frequent the farmers market in the summer know that zucchinis are plentiful and you often have too many than you know what to do with. However, with a little creativity, there are plenty of treats you can whip up with those leftover zucchini lying around. Below are just two recipes that are delicious and you won't even be able to tell there is a vegetable in them!

Zucchini Blondies

  • 50g All Purpose Flour
  • 100g PB2
  • 120g Finely Grated Zucchini
  • Sweetener to taste (Pure Via)
  • 1tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Prepare an 8-inch square pan with cooking spray
  3. Mix the PB2 with water to the same consistency of normal peanut butter – not too watery and not too stiff
  4. In a medium bowl, mix pb2 mixture with zucchini and vanilla and set aside
  5. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, salt, baking soda and no calorie sweetener
  6. Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients and stir until you reach a cookie dough-like batter
  7. Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth out evenly
  8. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until brown on top
  9. Let sit in the pan to cool for at least 20 minutes before slicing
Zucchini Brownies
  • 190g Zucchini
  • 50g Cocoa Powder
  • 130g Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • 75g Oats
  • 60ml Walden Farms Maple Syrup
  • 65g PB2
  • 2 tsp Vanilla
  • 1tsp Baking Soda
  • ¼ tsp Salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Lightly grease a baking pan with coconut oil cooking spray
  3. Grind oats into a flour in a food processor
  4. Mix PB2 with water to the same consistency of normal peanut butter – not too water and not too stiff
  5. In a large bowl, mix together PB2, applesauce, maple syrup and vanilla until smooth
  6. Add zucchini, cocoa powder, ground oats, baking soda and salt and mix well
  7. Pour batter into prepared baking pan
  8. Bake for 30 minutes
  9. Let cool for 10 minutes before slicing

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Your Mental Physical State may be as Important as Your Actual Physical State
A recent study conducted by Stanford University researchers found that adults who believed they were more inactive than their peers tended to die earlier than their perceived more fit counterparts.

It's become a cultural phenomenon. Giving up on physical fitness has become a sort of liberation for many, claiming that the "Dad-Bod" isn't only okay to have, but is, in fact, the ideal look for attraction. While the attraction part has yet to be studied, another recent study conducted by Stanford University has found that the same group of people who believed they were more inactive and in favor of the "Dad-Bod" mentality, tended to die earlier than their more fit counterparts. 
The study reviewed and analyzed 60,000 surveys from adults in the US, categorized into three different data sets. The surveys documented the participants' levels of physical activity, health, and background, and in one of the cases wore an accelerometer for over a week. The researchers looked at the death records of participants from the first study, 21 years after the first survey was conducted. The researchers found that those who answered that they believed that they were less active than their more active counterparts, had a 71% increased chance of dying during the follow-up period of the survey.

 The inspiration for the study was based on the psychological basis that our mental state/mindset determines the outcomes of our everyday experiences. One of the lead researchers of the review, Octavia Zhart, had previously conducted an experiment where hotel cleaning staff were told that their work actually met the daily recommended amount of required fitness. The staff experienced weight loss, lower blood pressure, and other improved biomarkers. Based on the results of this study, along with the review of the three other health surveys, one might conclude that the placebo effect from positive mindset ultimately determines our health. So the next time you go to the gym and don't feel like your doing enough, change your mindset and improve your fitness routine and results!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Trail Tuesday

The Ma & Pa Trail

A bicycle repair station was installed along the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail at Annie's Playground in Fallston, Maryland.  The cost was shared by the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail and the Bike Shop of Bel Air. The County Department of Parks and Recreation covered the cost of installation.

The station consists of a bike stand, a variety of repair tools and an air pump.  Cyclists can perform basic repairs and maintenance while on the trail.  The station is free and open during normal trail operating hours!
The DERO Bike Fix-It Station provides screwdrivers, Allen wrenches and box wrenches so cyclists can change a flat tire, adjust brakes and derailleurs and put air in tires.  The Fallston station represents the fourth DERO Station in Maryland.

County Executive Barry Glassman said "We are proud to support this new bike repair station, which will improve the experience for cyclists who come from Harford County and beyond to enjoy the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail.  This improvement along with our trail connection planned by the spring of 2020, will help create one of the finest rail-trails in the state.

The final piece of property that was acquired in order to begin the design and construction into the next phase of the trail will connect Forest Hill and Bel Air sections.  This trail will be nearly 8 miles long and the construction will be completed in 2019.

Image result for ma 7 pa trail