Monday, August 14, 2017

Minimalist Approach to Exercise

For those of you that are just looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not have the time or desire to participate in long, expensive workout programs or classes, there is a way to make your workouts easy and effective without being complicated. By sticking to the basics, you can be fit and healthy for the long run. When life gets tough or time gets tight, sticking to a basic fitness routine will keep you in shape and accountable for sticking with your workouts, even if you are in a time where it seems difficult to do so. A minimalist workout program should include strength, cardio and mobility to make it effective.

Image result for minimalist approach to exercise

  • Mobility
    • Before and after your workout, you should include some soft tissue foam rolling of the bigger, muscles such as the quads, back hamstrings and hips. You should also do this after a workout along with some dynamic stretches that mimic the movements of your workout. This portion of your workout does not need to be extensive, but needs to be done in order to make a difference. 
  • Strength
    • When it comes to strength training, lifting, pushing and pulling movements are the ones to focus on the most if you are trying to be efficient. Exercises like squats, push-ups and lunges. Performing these exercises will help you perform these movements better in life. You should be strength training and performing these types of movements about 2-3 times per week. 
  • Cardio
    • Cardiovascular workouts can often times be combined with your strength training workout to make it a quick, effect H.I.I.T workout. Your cardio can also include things like yard work, housework, hiking and biking. Instead of spending a lot of time on long, low-intensity cardio activities, try to spend less time on more intense, short bursts of cardio. 
The key in taking a minimalist approach to exercise is to make it simple and attainable, yet physically challenging. The more confidence you have in being able to complete your workouts on a regular basis, the more likely you are to do so. 

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