Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Fat-Loss Myths

When it comes to fitness goals, many people say their goal is to "have a six pack" or "to have abs". But, what people do not understand, it that in order to make that happen, it takes more than doing crunches and severely decreasing your food intake. In fact, it is the total opposite of doing those things that will help define your stomach muscles. Additionally, just because someone has "abs", does not make them more healthy or in shape than someone who does not. If you exercise regularly and eat properly, but do not have a "six pack", does not make you unhealthy. However, if that is still your main goal, here are some things to consider when making changes to your health and wellness routine. 
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  • Doing a "cleanse" or a "detox" will not help decrease body fat in the long run
    • Often times when individuals decide to make a change to better their health or want to change their aesthetics, they think that by doing some sort of cleanse to taking a diet pill will un-do the unhealthy foods and lack of exercise from their past. And while this may work at first, it is not a sustainable healthy behavior. So, when deciding how you want to reach your fitness goals, make changes that you will be able to keep for a lifetime. 
  • Eating fat does not make you fat
    • While fat does have a higher calorie content than carbohydrates and protein, healthy fat intake from natural foods like oils, fish, certain types of meat, nut and seeds can help improve your fat-loss mechanisms in the body. Eating low-fat foods often times means the food has added sugars or chemicals that make up for the loss of healthy fat. So, don't be afraid to consume good, dietary fats, you may be surprised as it actually helps you to burn fat. 
  • Abdominal exercises are not the sole thing that will give you abdominal muscles
    • Performing abdominal exercises is not a bad thing, but by doing solely abdominal exercises, you will not get a "six pack". Abdominal exercises do not require the use of enough energy to burn enough calories to truly see a difference in appearance. Make sure you are including heavy squats, dead lifts, pulls and pushes in your exercise routine to get the energy expenditure and calorie burn that you need. However, if you really want to see a difference in the appearance of your stomach muscles, look at what you eat. The saying is true, "abs are made in the kitchen!"

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sedentary Life Leads to Dementia

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Recent studies have been suggesting more and more that outside of age, genetic and lifestyle factors are playing an enormous role in the millions of people with Dementia and the numbers that are expected to rise when it comes to the number of individuals living with Dementia. Currently, there are 47.5 million people living with Dementia, and that number is expected to grow to 115.4 million people by the year 2050. That number is shocking, which is why there has been an increase in research to help prevent this terrible disease. There is currently no cure for Dementia, so doing the things we can to prevent it, is key in reducing the number of cases that we see. 
New research studies have been showing that sedentary individuals with no genetic backyard have just as much risk in developing Dementia as those who are genetically predisposed. Therefore, inactivity can completely negate the effects of a healthy genetic make-up. 
A physically active lifestyle helps the brain operate more effectively, which decreases our risk for Dementia. However, there still needs to be more research on what type of and how much physical activity can really decrease the risk. There are reasons for more research, but what we know now, is that people need to be more physically active and if they are, they can greatly reduce their risk for Dementia. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Fitness Friday

Get Fit & Healthy by Gardening
Growing your own food not only has great fitness benefits, but diet  benefits as well!

It's the middle of February and it's over 70 degrees. This spring-like weather has many people thinking about the beach, and their respective beach bodies as a result. While this weather may have many people thinking it's nice for a run, biking, or walking , there's only one activity that helps you through fitness and nutrition: gardening. Here are four reasons you should begin planting, or begin to think about planting your summer garden.
  1. You'll lose some weight
    • Those who garden are less likely to be overweight than those who are sedentary and do not garden. Researchers in the Netherlands have also found gardening to be a great stress reducer, which can lead to weight loss in and of itself. The constant squatting and arm movements that utilize the core are a sure-fire way to trim your waistline!
  2. You'll think more clearly
    • Gardening lowers the risk of dementia by 36%, even with a variety of other biomarkers and health risks being taken into account. Being around the extra oxygen that they produce also improves thinking clarity!
  3. You'll save money at the grocery store and eat healthier
    • Let's face it, fruits and vegetables can be expensive, but they are vital to a healthy and nutritious diet. Gardening is a way to save money, and eat organically in your own back yard!
  4. It's a mood booster
    • We've already covered how gardening helps beat stress, but it also beats depression too! Activity is proven to help be a mood booster, while the vitamin D you receive from the sun is a vital energy booster in and of itself. Who knew gardening could determine our mood, diet and waistline!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Join Gold Medal Physical Therapy 5K Team

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Some of the staff at Gold Medal Physical Therapy for a local 5K supporting a great cause! The Friends R Family 5K is held at the Bel Air Athletic Club on Sunday, April 9 that helps to raise awareness and break the stigma of mental health. Specifically, the Friends R Family Foundation will provide mental health education across the state of Maryland and all along the east coast. This foundation will work with government agencies and health care providers to improve policies, procedures and overall care. 
Gold Medal has created a team, the Gold Medal Trotters, to run in the race and support the cause! 
Contact us if you would like to be a part of our team!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wellness Wednesdays

Weight Loss Is Possible After Menopause
For those women who have given up on losing weight after menopause, scientific studies prove that weight loss is indeed possible.

Hot flashes and the inability to lose belly fat are the top complaints among those who have experienced or are experiencing menopause. This is especially true among women who are living the same type of lifestyle that they were prior to menopause. However, there is hope according to a new study published in the journal Menopause. The study observed reports on 234 post menopausal women between the ages of 45-64 who had at least a years worth of sedentary lifestyle, and took part in a supervised 20-week exercise program for the study.


The study concluded following the 20-week supervised exercise period and found that participants found changes in short-term and long-term mental and physical aspects of their lives. Improvements included cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. They also experienced modest reductions in weight and body mass index. The women also reported that there hot flashes were much more manageable. These results are promising, and are part of a growing trend that proves exercise is an important part living healthy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Eat Your Way to Better Brain Health

Keeping our brain healthy is extremely important, especially as we start to get older. What a lot of people don't know, is that we can help keep our brains healthy by eating more of certain foods, and less of others. Keeping your brain healthy helps to prevent from getting brain diseases, memory loss and cognitive impairment.  Even if some of these things have already started happening to you, you can change tings in your diet that can stall or improve them. It is never too late to improve your brain health!
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  • Cut Back on Red Meat and Dairy
    • Red meats and dairy contain higher levels of saturated fats that tend to increase blood cholesterol levels. Try to eat no more than one serving of red meat or dairy, no more than 5 times per week. 
  • Avoid Refined Grains
    • Focus on eating whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and millet. Your body will break down healthy carbohydrates into sugars that your brain needs for its energy supply.
  • Eat Three Meals and Snacks Each Day
    • To keep your blood sugar stable, eat three meals a day with healthy snacks in between. Your brain needs a slow and steady blood sugar supply, so properly spacing out meals and snacks will allow your body to do this. 
  • More Fruits and Vegetables
    • Vegetables and fruits should make up 80% of your diet. Additionally, try to incorporate a wide variety of fruits and vegetales to get a lot of different nutrients in your diet. 
  • Change Your Cooking Oils
    • Try extra virgin olive oil over canola or vegetable oils. The fats from olive or coconut oil digest differently in your body than other oils and do not have the harmful side effects of too much saturated fat.
  • Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
    • Things like aspartame and succralose are artificial products and have been linked to brain, and other types of cancers. While you should keep sugar and sugar substitutes to a minimum, if you choose an artificial sweetener, Stevia, or whole food sweeteners are your best option. 
  • Reduce Your Sugar Intake
    • Try to cut back on all sweets and sugars. While fruit is fine in moderation, sugars should be avoided as much as possible. 
  • Take a High Quality Multi-Vitamin
    • Your vitamin should be free of copper, iron, sugar and additives. Be sure to get a multi-vitamin that is high in B vitamins, as they can halve the rate of brain shrinkage that is associated with aging. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Tips for Daily Long-Lasting Energy

Are you one of those people who runs out of energy in the afternoon and turns to junk food, more caffeine or sugar to give you a burst? As you could imagine, doing those types of things when your energy is running low is not the healthiest way to get back you energy. Fortunately, there are things you can do from the minute you wake up and continue throughout the day to maintain high energy levels and avoid an afternoon crash. 
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  • Drink water as soon as you wake up
    • Taking a sip of water first thing when you wake up helps get your digestive tract moving in the right direction and gives you a boost of energy. Keep a bottle of water next to your bed so it's easy to start hydrating as soon as you wake up.
  • Exercise in the morning
    • Although getting up early to work out is a tough thing to you, it is one of the best things you can do to stay energized.  Even if mornings don't work for you, movement any time of the days helps with energy as well!
  • Eat a high-quality breakfast
    • Eating a breakfast with complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats will help keep you full and will fuel your body for a full day ahead. 
  • Don't hit snooze
    • Hitting snooze makes it harder to get up and affects your energy levels for the rest of the day. Simply getting up at the first sound of your alarm will help regulate sleep patterns and make it easier to wake up on your own.


  • Get some fresh air at lunch time
    • Sitting at your desk or inside your workplace can make you feel drained and lacking energy. Stepping away for a quick walk and breath of fresh air will make you feel refreshed and ready to finish your day.
  • De-clutter your work space
    • Take a few minutes to clean things up and empty your inbox each day, so that you don't feel stressed or overwhelmed. 
  • Eat an energizing snack
    • Rather than hitting up the vending machine or chocolate stash in the break room, keep so healthy, energizing snacks at your desk for an afternoon energy burst. Things such as nuts, vegetables, fruits and trail mix are great afternoon snacks that will keep your energy going.


  • Skip the nightcap
    • Even though a glass a wine or beer sounds refreshing and necessary at the end of a long day, it can actually affect your sleep and leave you feeling extra tired when you wake up. 
  • Turn off the electronics
    • The lights from the TV, computer or tablet make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. So trade your screens for a book and allow your body to fall asleep without the extra blue light keeping you awake. 
  • Go to sleep
    • Forgo the Netflix binge and extra chapters and just go to bed. When you are tired, listen to your body and give it the rest it needs and wants. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Fitness Friday

This Is Your Brain On Exercise...
Researchers have conducted experiments to see the effect that exercise has on human vision.

It's well known and scientifically established through research and data that exercise has numerous beneficial effects on a person's health. The benefits range from reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes to even improving one's sleep or sleep cycles. Despite all the previous mentioned scientific evidence, exercise benefit for vision has yet to be fully investigated...until now! Utilizing recent research conducted on mouse and fly brains that discovered a peak in neural process during activity, psychologists at UC Santa Barbara set out to discover if the same was true in humans.

In order to investigate the effects, the psychologists gathered 18 volunteers and wired them to a heart rate monitor, an EEG and a scalp cap with 64 electrodes to monitor brain activity. The volunteers performed high intensity and low intensity activities on a stationary bike. The results that they discovered were similar to the previous experiments on mice and flies, as they found that low intensity activity enhanced visual cortex activity. The researchers, however, do not yet understand the mechanism by which this enhancement occurs. Despite the lack of knowledge in regards to the mechanism, this experiment provides further reinforcement that exercise is beneficial to one's health.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Don't Be Intimidated by the Gym

Often times when joining a new gym, or going to a gym for the first time, it can be very intimidating to take your first step into the door. If you feel too intimidated, sometimes you just do not even go, which turns into a habit of not exercising. But, there are actions to take that will help get you over the intimidation factor and closer to your fitness goals.

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  • Don't Overthink It
    • Just because you may think that everyone at the gym will be looking at you and judging you, that usually is not the case. You'd be surprised at how many other people are feeling the same way you are and are more worried about themselves. So, don't psych yourself out too much. Realizing that you are not alone in this feeling can help you get your confidence to get in the gym. 
  • Find Your Best Gym
    • Do your research and try a few different places. All gyms of a different environment and atmosphere, so find one that makes you feel comfortable in. Many gyms offer free tours or a free day to try them out. Take advantage of this to help find the right fit for you. 
  • Pick the Right Program
    • Going into the gym without a plan or program can make your intimidation feel even worse. So, look at some different options before going in. Hire a personal trainer, take a class or go with a friend. Trainers and classes can be a great tool to help get you started in a gym. Not to mention, it is a great way to meet new people to go to the gym together with.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Eating Less Saves You Calories and Lifespan
Infomercial products are superficial and only go skin deep, but dieting gives you time in return for calories saved.

Research recently published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics found that when ribosomes (protein producers within the cell) slow down, so does the aging process. The reason for this, it is believed, is that although production of protein is slowed down, ribosomes have time to repair themselves in return. Brigham Young biochemist John Price likened the calorie restriction and ensuing lengthening of lifespan to maintenance on a car stating, "The ribosome is a very complex machine, sort of like your car, and it periodically needs maintenance to replace the parts that wear out the fastest...When tires wear out, you don't throw the whole car away and buy new ones. It's cheaper to replace the tires".

The correlation between calories cut and longer lifespan was observed in mice that were experimented don by Price's research team. Ribosomes are very energy dependent and take up about 10-20% of the cell's energy expenditure. Due to its essentialness within the cell, destroying the ribosome is not a valid option and the ability to repair the ribosomes for long periods of time are valued. While this find is very promising, it has not been tested in humans as of yet. So, just remember that while counting calories won't make you immortal, they may add some extra years to your life!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Practicing Mindful Eating

Another topic that you may see more and more in the media and talked about it the health and fitness world is eating mindfully and listening to our body. Almost all of us can relate to eating because we are bored, stressed out or feeling lonely. Sometimes, we eat because of some sort of an emotion we are feeling, rather than because we are actually hungry. Most of the time, when we eat emotionally rather than mindfully, it is a food or meal that is unhealthy and some sort of comfort food, that in the end, makes us feel guilty about eating it. 

The next time you go to eat something that is not on your usual diet, or it is right after you have eaten a meal, ask yourself the following questions to determine if you really need or want it, or if it is just your emotions speaking for you.

  1. Why am I reaching for this?
  2. When was the last time I ate?
  3. Do I have a headache or is my stomach grumbling?
  4. Am I bored or upset?
  5. Am I trying to make something that is unpleasant more pleasant?
If you have asked yourself these questions, and you come to realize you are actually hungry and want that food, than go for it! But if not, try something else to fix your emotion rather than eating something unhealthy.
  • Get outside and go for a walk
  • Turn on some music that you enjoy 
  • Get some exercise
  • Call a friend or loved one just to talk
By asking yourself the proper question before indulging in emotional eating and replacing that action with another healthy behavior can help those stressors go away and eliminate some unhealthy decisions that you may make when feeling emotional. 
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Monday, February 13, 2017

Healthy Food Trends in 2017

Each year, we tend to see new foods trends that claim to be the "healthiest" foods out there. In the past few years we saw a rise in things like kale, healthy fats, fresh juices and green smoothies. While all of these are great, healthy things, they sometimes come in fads for a year or so and then the next healthiest food comes out as the new trend. So, what are experts saying about this year??
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  • Purple Everything
    • Things like purple asparagus, corn and potatoes are to likely be more frequently on the grocery store shelves this year. Purple foods are high in phytonutrients that help heart, bone and cognitive health. While purple foods are good for you, having a wide variety of colors on your plate is best, so be sure to include others in addition to the popular purple veggies. 
  • Real, Burgers, Fries and Shakes
    • The fast food chain Shake Shack is a popular burger option just like In 'n Out and 5 Guys, but without artificial ingredients, hormones and preservatives. Nutrition expert expect other chains to follow this suit as well. So, rather than saying do not eat burgers and fries, you will hear eat real burgers and fries so that you are elimination harmful ingredients and products. 
  • Coconut Water
    • Whether it is water, milk, sugar, oil or flour, products derived from coconut offer healthier sugar alternatives and healthy fats. Not only can these products help your good cholesterol levels and overall health, but they are now being used for skincare as well. 
  • Alternative Pastas
    • Since white flour and pasta products have been frowned upon in the nutrition world,you will now start to see things like garbanzo bean, zucchini and squash pasta products. Rather than replacing white flour with potato or rice flour, vegetables and beans are being used so the "pasta" offers more protein and nutrients in the product. 
  • No More Macros
    • When the "count your macros" trend started, you could eat whatever you wanted, as long as it fit within your macro nutrient percentages and numbers. But now, nutrition experts want you to focus more are eating real, whole foods that will nourish your body rather than focusing on a number. By doing this, you will get the vitamins and minerals your body needs from real food products, and not putting artificial, processed food into your body. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Fitness Friday

How to Tell if You Need New Running Shoes
There are more indicators to look for in your current running shoes than a putrid smell, in regards to knowing when to obtain new running shoes.

In a recent article from the Huffington Post, Canadian fitness experts Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod discussed signs to look for in your current running shoes to tell if it is indeed time to find a new pair. They stated that the first step is to not just listen to your nose, but to listen to your knees, shins and feet as well. You can further assess this pain to see if it is indeed the shoes that are the problem, by looking at the soles of your current running shoes. Signs such as holes in the sole, uneven soles, or very mendable soles of the shoes are signs that the shoes are not giving you the support that you need. Fitness trackers, such as MapMyRun, include shoe life trackers that can also be helpful in determining the proper time to purchase a new shoe.
If you are still experiencing foot, knee, lower back, or shin pain, here are some stretches you can complete to try and quell the pain:

Calf Wedge Stretch:
Calf Stretch:
Quad Stretch:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Effectively Managing Time to Get in Your Workouts

Time. Time is the biggest factor when it comes to not working out. We are all busy with work, families, social events and life in general. It is hard to fit in time to workout and healthy behaviors, in general, with all of life's other commitments. However, trying to eliminate something that is already a regular in our lives and trying to replace it with exercise. Along with focusing on our health, everything else in our lives is important, too. So, here is a little bit of help with things to cut out/reduce time spent on to fit in more time for exercise and health focused time. 

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  • Pick a Day to Meal Prep
    • Getting food prepped for most of your week can save hours during the week that would give you extra time to fit in a workout. Not having to worry about cooking dinner every night or making food for lunches, will provide a lot of extra time in the evenings. 
  • Schedule Your Workouts
    • Just like a meeting at work, kids soccer practice or a social event would be put on your calendar, so the same for your workouts. It is an appointment or meeting for yourself and having it on your schedule will help hold you accountable. 
  • Avoid the Gym at Prime Time
    • A crowded gym makes it difficult to get through your workout quickly. Having to wait for equipment or machines takes up time and add on to the amount of time you are there. So, go at an off time to eliminate the crowds and waiting time. 
  • Cut Down on TV and Social Media
    • Honestly, you probably spend more time in front of the TV or scrolling through your phone than you might think or want to admit. If you added up the total amount of time you spent each day on screen time, it would probably end up being more than enough time to squeeze in a workout. 
  • It's OK to Say No
    • This may be the toughest one for people. Saying no to social events or work obligations or more extra curricular activities can be a very tough thing for people. We always want be involved with so many things, but sometimes, that can be harmful to our health. We need time for rest, time for exercise and time for social events. So before saying yes to something, take some extra time to think about if it is really worth it or if you would rather have the extra time to fit in some exercise or down time.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Eight Foreign Nations' Tips for Quality Exercise

1) Australia
High intensity exercise routines are the latest trend in American gyms and fitness facilities, however, Australian fitness trends go beyond focusing strictly on strength, cardio and flexibility and focus more on coordination. The Feldenkrais Method is popular in Australia, as a part of somatic fitness education focus.

2) France
Portions in America are huge, and everything has a supersized option. That's not the case in France, however, where "there's a culture of enjoying your food and experiencing your food and not rushing through it,". Research agrees with the French state of mind in regards to eating, as good eating habits lead to a reduced risk of obesity and other obesity related diseases such as type-2 diabetes.

3) Iceland
Pools can be found in the United States, but usually not without having to pay for a membership. This is not the case in Iceland, where they're everywhere and usually low cost or free. The pools not only increase cardiovascular health, but also increase the feeling of social solidarity among citizens as well, leading to improved social health and well-being.

4) India
Ditching your shoes at the door doesn't just improve your standing of respect in a person's household in India, it also improves your health and well being. When walking barefoot, the nerve endings on our foot are excited and massaged by all the different surfaces that they touch, encouraging more walking and possibly improving inflammation and the immune system. However, those with diabetes and nerve pain should consult a physician before taking on this lifestyle change.

5) Japan
Everything in America moves rather fast, and taking a day for yourself to go to the spa or enjoy a relaxing bath are often unattainable tasks. However in Japan, they are almost a daily occurrence. As a result of this dedication to daily relaxation time, Japanese citizens' muscles, metabolism and stress levels are much higher than other nations who do not take time to relax, such as in the United States.

6) Pakistan
Devout Muslims in Pakistan don't just experience a mental health boost from the meditation of prayer, but the inadvertent yoga poses that accompany daily prayer bring a variety of health boosting effects. These effects include a regularized sleep schedule, an increase in dopamine, a higher pain tolerance in migraine sufferers, and lower blood pressure.

7) Sweden
Supermarkets in America host a variety of foods, even when their not in-season, which may not be for the better. Supermarkets in Sweden don't carry foods that are out of season, leading to their citizens eating healthier in-season foods as a type of celebration.

8) United Kingdom
Fridges in the U.K. are very small compared to their American counterparts, leading to the goods that they contain being fresh and not heavily processed. The freshness of the food, leads to more dining-in experiences, rather than the dining-out culture experienced in the United States. This is important, because dining-in usually leads to less calories being consumed compared to calories consumed when dining-out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Ways to Workout for Free

One of the many reasons people use for not getting regular exercise is the price is costs to join a gym, take a workout class or buy workout equipment. However, there are many ways to workout and move that are absolutely free. You do not have to spend a ton of money to get fit and in the shape that you want to be. 

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  • Get Outdoors
    • Not only is the fresh air great for you, but walking, running and hiking are all great forms of exercise that don't cost anything. Just put on those tennis shoes and take a walk or run through your neighborhood or local park.
  • Use the Stairs
    • Look for a staircase in a park, in your office building or even the local high school football stadium. Run the stairs or 30 minutes and you can burn close to 400 calories!
  • Hit the Trails
    • Along with getting outdoors, trails are a great place for running and hiking that will get your heart rate up and give you a great workout. 
  • Swim
    • When the weather starts to warm up, try out some public pools and beaches for a little exercise in the water. This is great for people who need low-impact workouts and don't want to spend an arm and a leg on a membership!
  • Turn your Home Into a Gym
    • By this, we do not mean go out and buy a ton of fitness equipment. There is a lot of things you can do at home that require no equipment. Use a bench or chair for push-ups and tricep dips. Fill up gallon jugs to use a dumbbells. Even use your stairs for some cardio!
  • Utilize Apps
    • Don't underestimate free fitness apps on your smart phone! There are thousands of apps out there that provide free, at-home workouts that require little to no equipment at all. Download a few of them and see which ones work the best for you and your goals. 
  • Free Trials
    • Almost any gym or class studio offers a free trial period or class to first time members. Take advantage of these if you are looking for the right place for you. Give their classes and equipment a try before spending money on it. This will ensure you that you are spending your money wisely when it comes to exercise and joining a gym. 
Don't forget, all new members at the MOG can take advantage of our 90 days for 90 dollars promotion! Not only can you join at this affordable rate, but you will get a full fitness evaluation, personalized exercise program and check-ins with a trainer every 2 weeks! Call or stop by today to set-up your initial evaluation!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Preventing the "Stomach Bug"

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this year has been one of the worst for the norovirus, or, typically heard of as the "stomach bug". Once it hits one person in a family, school, day care or office setting, it tends to spread very quickly. This type of virus is very contagious and spreads easily to others. Also, even though we typically see a lot of the norovirus during the winter months, it can hit at any time during the year. You can easily get contaminated with this virus through drinks and food and touching surfaces and objects that have been contaminated. 
Most people that get this virus are better within 1-3 days, but those days are brutal, leaving you with no energy or appetite. There is no medicine that helps this go away, doctors just recommend trying your best to stay hydrated and get as much rest as possible. 
Although there is no way to truly prevent yourself from being contaminated with the virus, there are things you can do to try to keep it out of your home and workplace. 
Image result for stomach flu
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom or handling and preparing food. Hand sanitizers can help reduce the number of germs, but do not replace washing your hands.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables and cook seafood thoroughly.
  • If you are sick, do not prepare or serve food to others until you have 2 full days without symptoms. 
  • Clean and disinfect potentially contaminated surfaces thoroughly and often.
  • Immediately remove and wash clothes and linens that may be contaminated with vomit or stool.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Fitness Friday

To Improve Health, Getting a Gym Membership May be the Only Way
According to a new study, joining a gym may be the only way to keep that New Year's Resolution

Researchers at Iowa State University have conducted a study which has concluded that people who hold gym memberships are much more likely to have much healthier cardiovascular outcomes. Gym members are 14 times more likely to be aerobically active than non-members, and are 10 times more likely to meet strength conditioning recommendations than non-members as well. This is promising results for those who are gym members, and inspiring news for those who are not members and are looking for new ways to lose weight and get in shape. 

The study also found that those who belonged to gyms logged 180 more minutes on average than the recommended 120 minutes of exercise allotted by health organizations. Gym members also had the following:
  • Lower odds of being obese
  • 1.5 inches smaller waist circumference
  • 5 beats lower average resting heart rate
  • Higher cardio-respiratory fitness
This news is even more promising as a nation, due to the fact that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US. The only problem is that only 18% of Americans belong to a gym, or subscribe to a gym membership. Due to this promising data, but lack of gym memberships, lawmakers are looking at tax deductible fitness options such as the PHIT Act.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

February is Heart Health Month

Heart disease is the number one killer in both men and women  in the United States, with close to 85 million Americans living with heart disease including heart attack, high blood pressure and chest pain, but, with action can be significantly reduced. On a more positive note, we have had so many medical advancements since the 1980's, there are less people dying each year from heart-related diseases. Even today, the American Heart Association is constantly conducting research and raising awareness to Americans about improving cardiovascular health. 
On February 5, 2017, American Heart Health Month is celebrated by Wear Red Day to help promote awareness for heart health education and prevention. One of the most important things to help us reduce the prevalence of heart disease is proving more knowledge and education to society about how to prevent it and keep your heart healthy.
Image result for heart health
  • Regular Exercise
    • This does not mean that you have to become an avid gym-goer or marathon runner. However, you would get in some activity for at least 30 minutes 3-5 times per week. Physical inactivity greatly increases your risk for heart disease. 
  • Heart Healthy Diet
    • Adopt a diet that is low in sodium and saturated fats and high in un-saturated fats. 
  • Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol
    • Being a smoker and drinking excessive alcohol doubles your chance of having a heart attack due to heart-related disease. While an occasional drink is fine, you do not want to exceed more than 1 drink a day.
  • Maintain a Normal Body Weight
    • Having extra weight on the body put more stress of your heart and give you more of a chance ob being obese, having high blood pressure and cholesterol and increasing your risk for Type 2 Diabetes
  • Know Your Risk Factors
    • Things such as age, gender, family history and previous medical history are all factors you should know. These things could contribute to getting diagnosed with heart disease, so the more you know, the more willing you will be to do things to prevent it. 
  • Maintain Stress Levels
    • Stress, anxiety and depression are all things that have been shown to have an impact of heart disease. While we all will have stressors and anxiety throughout our lifetime, being able to manage them and keep them at bay will help our heart health.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

The More You Sit, The More You Lose
Sitting for long periods of time over a course of many years leads to lost years to your life, according to a study by University of California San Diego School of Medicine.

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine published a study in The American Journal of Epidemiology. The study followed elderly women who sat for an average of 10 hours a day, and completed less than 40 minutes of light-to-vigorous activity around the house. They found that the telomeres (tiny caps found on the end of DNA strands that protect chromosomes from harm during replication) of the women had biologically deteriorated and progressively shortened faster than those of healthy women similar to them in age. 1,500 women aged 64-90 years old wore accelerometers on their hips for seven consecutive days. The researchers found that those who exercised for at least 30 minutes a day did not have shorter telomere lengths, compared to those that did not exercise the recommended daily amount.

 Here are some exercises that you can do while sitting in your chair to prevent your telomeres from shortening!

Chair Dip
Leg Extensions
Chair Oblique Twist