Monday, February 27, 2017

Sedentary Life Leads to Dementia

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Recent studies have been suggesting more and more that outside of age, genetic and lifestyle factors are playing an enormous role in the millions of people with Dementia and the numbers that are expected to rise when it comes to the number of individuals living with Dementia. Currently, there are 47.5 million people living with Dementia, and that number is expected to grow to 115.4 million people by the year 2050. That number is shocking, which is why there has been an increase in research to help prevent this terrible disease. There is currently no cure for Dementia, so doing the things we can to prevent it, is key in reducing the number of cases that we see. 
New research studies have been showing that sedentary individuals with no genetic backyard have just as much risk in developing Dementia as those who are genetically predisposed. Therefore, inactivity can completely negate the effects of a healthy genetic make-up. 
A physically active lifestyle helps the brain operate more effectively, which decreases our risk for Dementia. However, there still needs to be more research on what type of and how much physical activity can really decrease the risk. There are reasons for more research, but what we know now, is that people need to be more physically active and if they are, they can greatly reduce their risk for Dementia. 

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