Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Eating Less Saves You Calories and Lifespan
Infomercial products are superficial and only go skin deep, but dieting gives you time in return for calories saved.

Research recently published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics found that when ribosomes (protein producers within the cell) slow down, so does the aging process. The reason for this, it is believed, is that although production of protein is slowed down, ribosomes have time to repair themselves in return. Brigham Young biochemist John Price likened the calorie restriction and ensuing lengthening of lifespan to maintenance on a car stating, "The ribosome is a very complex machine, sort of like your car, and it periodically needs maintenance to replace the parts that wear out the fastest...When tires wear out, you don't throw the whole car away and buy new ones. It's cheaper to replace the tires".

The correlation between calories cut and longer lifespan was observed in mice that were experimented don by Price's research team. Ribosomes are very energy dependent and take up about 10-20% of the cell's energy expenditure. Due to its essentialness within the cell, destroying the ribosome is not a valid option and the ability to repair the ribosomes for long periods of time are valued. While this find is very promising, it has not been tested in humans as of yet. So, just remember that while counting calories won't make you immortal, they may add some extra years to your life!

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