Monday, February 6, 2017

Preventing the "Stomach Bug"

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this year has been one of the worst for the norovirus, or, typically heard of as the "stomach bug". Once it hits one person in a family, school, day care or office setting, it tends to spread very quickly. This type of virus is very contagious and spreads easily to others. Also, even though we typically see a lot of the norovirus during the winter months, it can hit at any time during the year. You can easily get contaminated with this virus through drinks and food and touching surfaces and objects that have been contaminated. 
Most people that get this virus are better within 1-3 days, but those days are brutal, leaving you with no energy or appetite. There is no medicine that helps this go away, doctors just recommend trying your best to stay hydrated and get as much rest as possible. 
Although there is no way to truly prevent yourself from being contaminated with the virus, there are things you can do to try to keep it out of your home and workplace. 
Image result for stomach flu
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, especially after using the bathroom or handling and preparing food. Hand sanitizers can help reduce the number of germs, but do not replace washing your hands.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables and cook seafood thoroughly.
  • If you are sick, do not prepare or serve food to others until you have 2 full days without symptoms. 
  • Clean and disinfect potentially contaminated surfaces thoroughly and often.
  • Immediately remove and wash clothes and linens that may be contaminated with vomit or stool.

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