Friday, January 8, 2016

Why Training Your Core (not just your abs) is so Important!

Little do a lot of people know, training your core can not only help give you a flat tummy, but more importantly, it supports and strengthens your spine.The muscles of your core connect to the muscles in your legs, glutes, back and hips. All of these are the muscles that help and allow you to sit, stand and squat, which are movements we use everyday, all day. Additionally, by strengthening all of these muscles, we are supporting our spine so the burden of supporting our own weight is not placed on the bones. Not only does strengthening your core help with everyday movements like standing, getting out of bed and climbing the stairs, it is also going to help with your balance. Which, in turn will prevent falling and the injuries that go along with it.

Training your core can be as simple as paying attention to, and maintaining good posture throughout the day. We have increasingly more sedentary lives at work and at home. The least we can do is sit up straight and maintain active core muscles throughout the day, even if a majority of it is spent sitting down at a desk, in the car or on the couch at home.

By doing exercises that target your core, not just your ab muscles, will be more effective and will allow you to see and feel results faster.These types of exercises can be as easy as adding instability to your current abdominal exercises. For example, instead of doing crunches on the ground, do them on an exercise ball. By doing this, you are forcing your core muscles to work together, rather than just working the muscles in your abs.

 Another great way to train your core is to use a Bosu ball. By being unstable, this piece of equipment will engage your core by and forcing those muscles to work whether you are doing crunches, lunges or squats. 


Other than doing core exercises on your own at home or in the gym, taking a yoga or Pilates class is another great way to train your core. Exercises in these types of classes incorporate all the muscles of your core including your abs, glutes, back and hips. If you decide to take this sort of class, be sure to start with a beginner level if this is something you have never done before.


Ask our MOG staff for an exercise program that incorporates core training exercises!

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