Tuesday, January 19, 2016

How to Fit Exercise into Your Daily Routine

The number one excuse we hear for not exercising is lack of time to do so. But, There are plenty of way to still get in exercise everyday, even if you are busy. If something comes up at work, or at home, we always find time to get it taken care of. We can't let our work or families fall to the way side because we don't have time, so why should we let ourselves fall to the way side due to lack of exercise?

There is ALWAYS a way to fit exercise into our day. Whether we do something at home, walk some extra steps throughout the day or make it to a class at the gym, there is always a way.

1. Workout Efficiently: pick a workout that you can do almost anywhere. You can do it at home, or on the road if you happen to be travelling for business or pleasure. Choose a workout and/or exercises that require no preparations and accomplish significant physical gains in a short amount of time. These could include workouts such as HIIT, Tabata training or running.

2. Cater to Your Own Likes and Dislikes: Not everyone likes to run, walk, lift weights or do yoga. But, you don't have to! Yes, you can benefit from doing those things, but if you are not going to do it because you don't enjoy it, then don't! Pick something that you like and stick with it. Experiment with different types of exercises and classes until you find something that suits your personal wants and needs.

3. Use Competitions as Motivation: for almost any sport or activity out there, there is also some sort of competition that goes along with it. Find a competition that is suitable for your skill level and go for it! Sign up, set a goal and notice what it does to your motivation and dedication level. More likely than not, you will be more motivated to stick with it if you have a date/competition to work for. 

4. Make a Schedule and Commit to It:Just like you have to schedule work meetings, doctors appointments and family activities, you should schedule your workouts, too. Put them on your calendar and work schedule as a blocked time. That way, there is less likely of a chance something can get in its way!

5. Track Your Activity Levels: write down and make a note of every time you workout and what workout you did. At the end of every week, month and year, add up your sessions to monitor the progress you have made along the way. By doing this, it will make you realize when you are slipping, before you have lost your  good habits all together.

6. Choose Something Over Nothing: some exercise is always better than none. Always. Whether its doing some push-ups while watching TV, or walking up and down your stairs at home, a little bit of movement will always be better than none. You can download fitness apps or lookup pre-programmed short and sweet workouts in order to help give you some ideas and motivation. 

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