Thursday, January 14, 2016

Light Weight or Heavy Weight?
Dude, Where's My Weights?
Light weight or heavy weight; they're terms that we've heard too often in college or parties with friends either to express one's prowess for being able to take on multiple after-hours beverages while feeling no affliction or to express others aren't having as great a night out. But these terms have a new meaning now that you're trying to address your workout routine, and what to do in terms of strength training. There's probably two options that you're looking at during the New Year/New Lifestyle Transition:
  1. Building strength and lean muscle.
  2. Losing weight.
You'll be happy to know that lifting weight can address both of these concerns, but it depends on what and how you lift them.

Light Weight to Lose Weight
If your looking to lose weight, you should be focusing on aerobic activity, something that gets that heart rate up and your cardiovascular system going. So what kind of weight are we talking about? The weight can range from about 2-10lbs, as its all a matter of what you're comfortable with. Reps should also sit between 8-12 with 30-45 second rest between sets.

Heavy Weight to Get Shape
If your looking to tone or gain your muscle, you should focus on large weight with shorter reps and longer time between sets. So what am I talking about specifically? Basically whatever you feel is comfortable above 10 pounds. By comfortable I mean something that provides a serious enough challenge to the point where you're not compromising your posture and technique during the reps. Regarding the amount of reps that your completing per set, the number of reps should sit somewhere between 4-8 reps, and the break between sets should range from 2-3 minutes.

All of this advice is included in the MOG membership and personal training on a regular basis is available separate from the basic package, or a part of bigger membership package. Regardless of what membership you have, however, personal trainers are always available at our facilities to assist you with technique and questions you may have.

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