Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Exercising in the Cold

Well, it seems as though we have finally reached our winter weather. After the warm holiday weather, it seemed as though our normal, dreary winters would never get here. But, here we are and now it is time to adjust. 
Whether you are someone who likes to run, walk or go to the gym, there are adjustments to be made when it comes to exercise and working out. Even if those changes are the extra pieces of motivation needed to get out of bed when it is dark and cold...

1. Dress Appropriately. This is advice for those going outside for a walk or run, or those driving to the gym. Always dress in layers and wear materials that allow for a dry, trapped area of air. Materials like cotton do not allow for this, and will cause our sweat to make us even colder. As far as going to the gym, you'll likely still be cold when first arriving, so warming up with an extra layer on is a good idea. 
2. Check the Weather. This may seem self-explanatory, but it is important. You want to be sure the weather conditions are safe for exercise before you head out. Is it cold? Windy? Icy? Snowing? Our weather can be unpredictable, so check the weather on your phone or TV before heading out. 

3. Warm-up and Cool Down Properly. Warm up for an extra 5 minutes when it is cold outside. Continue warming up by taking short breaks every 30 seconds for the first 10 minutes of your workout. This will help your body adjust to the weather. Cool down for a few minutes outside, then head indoors for stretching. Slowly take off layers, and keep moving for 10-15 minutes before changing and/or showering. 

4. Start small. The first couple of times you workout in the cold, don't do as much as you normally do. Start small to let your body adjust, and gradually add in more. 

5. Prepare the Night Before. If you like to get up early and workout but have a hard time when it is cold, set out your clothes the night before and set them next to your alarm. That way, when your alarm goes off, you can see your clothes and it will be easier for you to get out of bed. 

6. Stay hydrated! When we exercise in the summer, we seem to sweat a lot more, therefore we think about drinking water more. However, our bodies sweat just as much, if not more, in the winter, so staying hydrated is crucial!

7. Be smart! This is key. We must treat our bodies properly when exercising in the cold. If it is too cold or slippery, do an indoor workout for a few days. Dress properly and take it slow. 

Now gather up your gear and go get in a workout, whatever that may be!

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