Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year, New Lifestyle!

At the beginning of the New Year, many of us set resolutions to better our health, whether it is losing weight, beginning to exercise or changing the way we eat. A lot of times, we set these resolutions, but do not stick to them due to lack of planning. In order to stick with these resolutions, we must set timely and realistic goals for ourselves. This is where SMART goals come in. 

S- specific
M- measurable
A- attainable
R- realistic
T- timely

Specific: in order to set a specific goal, we must ask ourselves the six "W" questions. A specific goal has a much better chance of being accomplished than a more general goal.
  • Who is involved?
  • What do I want to accomplish?
  • Where identify a location.
  • When establish a time frame for when you want this goal accomplished.
  • Which identify requirements for getting this goal accomplished.
  • Why purpose and/or benefits of accomplishing this goal
**Example of a "general" goal: I want to get in shape.
***Example of a specific goal: I want to join a health club and workout 3 times per week beginning the 1st of January.

Measurable:Establish concrete criteria for measuring your progress. When you can measure your progress, you are more likely to stay on track and reach your goal in a given time frame. Ask yourself: How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?

Attainable: You can attain almost any goal you set when you establish a plan and a time frame that allows you to carry out your plan. Goals that previously seemed out of reach will now seem more reasonable given your attainable plan you set for yourself.

Realistic: A goal must represent an objective toward which you are both will and able to work. Be sure to set your goal high enough to be motivated to reach it, but realistic enough where you will be able to see your progress and keep moving forward.You can determine if your goal is realistic by comparing it to a goal you've reached in the past.

Timely: When there is no time frame associated with your goal, it gives you no sense of urgency to actually accomplish it. If you want to lose weight, by when do you want to lose it by?

Our 90 days for 90 Dollars new year promotion is a great way to help get your New Year's goals accomplished! Ask the MOG staff for help in setting your goals.

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