Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Change in Lifestyle, Means a Change in Mindset

A Familiar Story...

Tell me if this scene is familiar to you: It's the New Year and you've signed up for a gym membership to start the "New Year, New You" fitness journey. From there on out, one of two things happen: 
  1. You never go to the gym because you've psyched yourself out before you've even ever set foot into the hallowed halls of the fitness gods or,
  2. You  go to the gym and psych yourself out because you're intimidated by the number of fit members at the gym who you think might judge you for either not lifting enough weight or lifting it the wrong way. You've seen the videos of those gym members doing the workouts all wrong, and you don't want to be the next poster child of how not to workout.

I understand. Going to the gym as someone new to the fitness scene is one of the most intimidating experiences you'll ever be a part of. I'll even rank it higher than starting a new job, because at least there you already know you've been somewhat accepted into the workplace community due to the fact that they hired you and somewhat believe in you and your skill set. The problem is that we're our own worst enemies, but don't worry I'm here to help you defeat the enemy that is ourself. 
With the following tips I'm about to list, you will stroll into the gym tomorrow a confident fitness rookie. Well, maybe not tomorrow. BUT, after you've completed your day of rest be sure to start your routine Saturday or Sunday. Here we go!
  1. Come with a plan and set a goal(s). This is probably the biggest mistake I made when I first started going to the gym in college. The only things I really knew how to use were the treadmill and bike. Even the circuit machines intimidated me and they told you how to use them...WITH DIAGRAMS!!! When you enter the doors of your new fitness facility you need to have in mind what you're even there for. Some of the best advice I believe I have ever read in regards to the gym and self image was to find a picture of what you want to look like online and make that your goal (The book Bigger, Leaner, Stronger is a great read, and I highly recommend it. Matthews goes well beyond just the fitness advice, and well into the dietary importance of fitness as well). Once you have a goal in mind, you can design, or have designed, a lifting or fitness program that is tailored specifically to you.That brings us to our next goal...
  2. Bring an experienced buddy or hire a trainer. One of the easiest way to overcome the intimidation of being judged at the gym for possibly not know how to conduct a lifting or exercise routine is to have someone with you to show you the way. If you don't know anyone personally who can show you the ropes, hire someone who can for a couple of sessions. This is the easiest way to jump-start your journey at the gym, and will give you the boost of confidence that you need to ensure that you're doing things right. 
  3. Spread out the workouts. I mean this in two ways:
    1. Don't burn yourself out. Start by going 2-3 times a week for the first couple months and then move into a routine of about 5 times a week, or maybe more depending on your schedule. 
    2. Don't work on the same muscle group everyday. If your doing biceps on Monday, don't do them Tuesday as well. You can do total body workouts, but don't do them everyday in a row. Your muscles will get tired and you won't see the gains or results that you want to. 
  4. Treat yourself.
    Don't be afraid to buy a couple workout shirts, pants, shoes, etc., and definitely don't be afraid to buy supplements. In terms of supplements, I'm talking about vitamins and possibly protein. Tomorrow I'll be posting an article on essential vitamins to get you started, so keep an eye out! In terms of buying yourself clothes for the gym, make sure they're comfortable and not too baggy. 2-3 sets of workout clothes will do to start, but you'll find yourself buying more as you go along and start treating the new body you've earned after hard work at the gym.
  5. Pick a gym that suits you. Make sure you don't purchase that new gym membership online. Shop around for the new fitness facility your about to become a part of. If your looking for casual fitness, you probably shouldn't be joining a bodybuilding gym. You'll be able to tell how comfortable you'll be as soon as you set foot in the door. 
  6. Diet is as important as exercise. If you don't eat right, most of what you do at the gym won't really matter. Watch your calorie intake and your macronutrients. What are your macronutrients? They're your carbohydrates, sugars, and protein. Too much or too little of any of them can make or break your goals.
  7. Track your progress. Make sure that you're keeping track of your progress every step of the way. Weigh-in every week and keep an eye on that waist line. If you not seeing any improvement within the first 3-4 weeks, you might want to reevaluate your routine and diet. 
  8. Have fun and don't give up. If you're not having fun or enjoying yourself somewhat at the gym you're not going to reach your goals as easily. When you're not having fun you'll probably give up faster as well, and no one benefits from that. Mix up your routine or find things to do that you can't in the gym that still burn calories.
Can You Recommend a Gym For Me?
Why yes I can. The M.O.G.'s in Perry Hall or Bel Air are the perfect places to start your fitness journey and new lifestyle. Our professional trainers will conduct an initial evaluation and then design a personalized workout program tailored only for you. We then give you dietary recommendations along with the workout program. Quarterly evaluations are scheduled to scientifically track your progress. Best of all, there's no intimidation factor and a trainer is there to help you the entire way. Name another fitness facility that does that, I dare you to find one. Contact us at our Bel Air (410-638-5525) location or Perry Hall (410-529-0989) location to schedule your initial evaluation today.

Don't Forget! We're running a 90 Days for $90 special now through March.
Bonus: 6 weeks of personal online health coaching challenge included if you sign up before January 10.

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