Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Difference Between Food Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerance

You may hear these three words used interchangeably to describe sensitivities to different foods that cause a reaction in the body. When you are sensitive or allergic to certain foods, the inflammation in your body may cause things like eczema, diarrhea, migraines, sinus issues and muscle pain. While you may have some of the same symptoms, some of them are easily treatable, while others are a chronic issue that could lead to life-threatening issues if not treated properly. 
Image result for food allergies
  • Food Allergy
    • An immune-system reaction to a specific protein found in a food and sees this protein as a foreign invader and produces anti-bodies to try to fight it. Symptoms can occur right after the food is consumed and can be very dangerous if not treated right away. The eight most common food allergies that we see are peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, eggs, shellfish, fish, dairy and soy. If allergic, you must avoid these foods completely. 
  • Food Sensitivity
    • While food sensitivities have some of the same symptoms as food allergies, they can also cause sleep disturbances, urinary problems and infertility issues as well. While food sensitivities are not life threatening, they are often the cause or can lead to chronic issues. When the culprit of food sensitivities is found, there can be great resolutions to any symptoms or issues that the food was causing. 
  • Food Intolerance 
    • Food intolerance are seen more often than allergies, with the most common being lactose intolerance. Such issues are identified by gas, bloating and diarrhea and are caused by the lack of lactase, which is an enzyme needed in the body to digest lactose.   
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms that come along food allergies, sensitivities or intolerance, take a look at your diet and see if you are over-consuming the common foods that cause problems. Try eliminating them for a period of time and see if it makes a difference. Consult your doctor if you suspect an allergy or sensitivity to find a way to determine what is the cause and a smart way to resolve the issue.

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