Monday, March 27, 2017

Are You Eating Too Much Sugar?

There could be things happening in your life that may be an indicator that you are consuming too much sugar and you may not even realize it. You may not think that you eat too much sugar in your diet, but your body and mind may be telling you otherwise. If you notice some of these things happening in your life, pay close attention to the amount of sugar in your diet, as it may be the cause and something you can easily fix.

Image result for eating too much sugar

  • You are moodier than usual
    • The blood sugar crash that happens when you are coming off a sugar high can cause mood swings and make you feel crabby. Additionally, it has an effect on your energy levels that can also make you feel moody. 
  • You are getting more cavities
    • Eating too much sugar throws off the natural pH levels that our body produces and gives bacteria a chance to thrive, which in turn, can cause cavities. 
  • You are gaining weight
    • Excess sugar is excess calories that does not provide any nutritional value to your body. This causes you to overeat because sugar does not fill you up due to the fact that it has no protein or other nutrients that make you feel full after eating it. 
  • You constantly crave sugary things
    • The more sugar you eat, the more of it your body will crave. This is why it can also be very difficult to give up sugar if you are trying to cut back. Not only do your taste buds adapt to want more sugar, but your body gets used to the high that you get after consuming sugar, causing it to want more. 
  • You feel sluggish throughout the day
    • While you tend to get an increase in energy and a "sugar high" from eating sugar, it is also followed by a crash. The more sugar you eat, the more this will happen throughout the day causing you to keep feeling a lack of energy and need for a boost. This also probably means that you are not fueling your body with enough protein and fiber to give you lasting energy throughout the day.
  • You can't stop breaking out
    • Sugar can cause a hormonal imbalance that can show up on your face in very little time. If you notice you are constantly breaking out and nothing you have tried is helping to make it go away, try reassessing your diet to help get to the root of the problem. 
  • Nothing tastes as sweet as it used to
    • The more sugar you eat, the more your taste buds will change and eventually not react as well when eating sugar so nothing will taste as sweet. However, if you can push through and give up the amount of sugar you are eating, your taste buds will eventually get back to normal and things will taste sweet again. 
  • Your brain get foggy after eating meals
    • This type of brain fog is generally due to low blood sugar levels. After eating sugar, your blood sugars rapidly rise and rapidly fall, rather than gradually doing so, which can give you brain fog after eating.

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