Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wellness Wednesday

The Early Bird Gets...Sick?
Sleeping in doesn't just feel good, it's good for you!

A University of Cambridge study suggests that viruses in the morning may be  much more dangerous than when they infect their victims later in the day. The researchers also found a parallel between the morning vulnerability group and those who have had their sleep patterns disrupted due to jet lag or shift work. The study conducted, utilized mice that were infected with either influenza or herpes virus, and those infected in the morning had viral levels 10 times that of their counterparts that were infected in the evening. The tests ultimately concluded that those whose sleep patterns are constantly disrupted are prime targets for viruses. 
 The Take:
For those of use who may stay out late working, socializing, or binge watching that latest Netflix series, we may be putting ourselves at grave riskof being infected with the flu virus, or some other seasonal unfriendly infection. We can manage this by keeping a relatively constant sleep schedule, and ensuring that we get enough sleep as well. Just as exercise and diet are an essential part of keeping healthy, sleep can determine whether or not all that hard work we put in at the gym and in the kitchen matters in the end.

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