Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wellness Wednesday

Being Overweight Can Increase Aging Process
Your weight doesn't just matter; it "brain matter's"

If you're overweight in your 50's right now, your brain's age could be a decade ahead of your actual age. A recent study conducted by Cambridge University found that those who are overweight in their 50's have the same brain age as those who are lean in their 60's. They measured their test subjects' brain age by looking at the white matter in the brain, as it naturally disappears as one ages. The Cambridge scientists looked at 473 people between the ages of 20 and 87 and divided them into 'lean' and 'overweight' groups and then proceeded to look at their white matter. The study found that the only significant differences occurred from middle age onward, making our weight the most important thing when our metabolism is at our all time low. 

It should be of note in this study, that the subjects showed no significant differences in knowledge or understanding and therefore more work must be done to see how it affects the development of dementia. The study also acknowledged that they have much more work to do to further understand how the brain is affected by obesity, and if the changes in the white matter of the brain could be reversed. That being said, being overweight still has significant maleficent effects on the body and fitness should be striven for. 

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