Friday, February 19, 2016

Non-Sick or Healthy Life?

The saying goes, if you're not sick, you're healthy, right? Wrong!

There is a huge difference between being "not-sick" and actually being healthy. When you are not sick, you are simply living free of disease but may be over weight, stressed out and sleep deprived. Therefore, you may not be sick, but you are probably unhealthy. At this rate, you are working your way towards being sick, with increasing your symptoms of unhealthiness and chronic disease. On the other hand, being healthy means you are thriving in all areas of life- physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and financial. 

A healthy life is something you have to work for and achieve. But, once you achieve it, you have to keep working at it in order to maintain a healthy life, free of disease and sickness. You have to choose to make your health a priority, then make daily choices that promote a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain optimal, long term health.

However, living in a state of non-healthiness you are increasing your risk of becoming obese, diabetic, having high blood pressure or bad cholesterol. From there, your health only declines. There are a number of chronic health conditions that result from being overweight or obese such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

So, in order to live a healthy life, not just a non-sick life, you must make daily choices, such as eating healthy, exercising, reducing the stress in your life and getting control of your finances, that will help you live a truly healthy, disease-free life. It is never too late to change your lifestyle. Taking baby steps to your improve you life will help with longevity and a disease-free life.

Don't wait any longer, start your healthy lifestyle journey today! Gold Medal has a team of health coaches and medical professional that are here to guide you in your lifestyle journey!

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