Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Healthier Lunch Break

One thing that can make us healthier people is a consistent diet. That includes eating all your meals in a day and making them nutritious. But, with busy work schedules, that can sometimes be hard to do, especially lunch. We tend to eat whatever is in front of us and fit it in between meetings, appointments and phone calls. However, by taking extra time to plan lunch, or eat away from your desk, can create lasting, healthy habits in your daily life. Below are some simple tips to help make your lunch break healthier.

1. Prepare lunch ahead of time: pack your lunch the night before, that way you have a healthy meal already prepared in the case of a busy day. This will prevent going out to eat or grabbing a quick lunch at a fast food restaurant. 
2. Avoid heavy meals that make you feel sluggish: packing a lunch also helps avoid this happening. When eating out, the meals tend to by heavier than food that we prepare ourselves. In turn, this could turn into a sluggish, non-productive afternoon. 
3. Get away from you desk: although this may be tough for some, this could help get in some extra steps, and take our time to eat. We can slow down and enjoy the food we are eating.
4. Fit in a workout: Even if this is only a 20 minutes workout, it well help you get some air, movement and refocus your mind for the rest of the day. Not to mention, working out also makes us more motivated to eat a good, healthy meal once it is over. 
5. Work on your flexibility: This could be as simple as a 5 minute stretch at your desk, or going out for a lunch time yoga class. Sitting at a desk all day is bad for not only our flexibility, but our health in general. So, getting in a little stretch time at lunch gets in some movement and flexibility work in a small amount of time. 
6. Turn dinner leftovers into lunch: this is the simplest of all! One of the easiest things you can do is to make a little extra food while cooking dinner that you can easily grab and take to work the next day. You can kill two birds with one stone the night before and not have to think about lunch, or even packing a lunch. 

Start your healthy lifestyle today by making changes to your lunch time routine!

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