Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wellness Wednesday

Does Eating Green, Make You Feel Green?
German Nutritionists say that a vegan diet may have you feeling green in the gills...

Berlin, Germany has become the capital of vegan based dieting in the world due to its numerous vegan street festivals, vegan butchers and other various vegan restaurants and cafes. It is estimated that about 80,000 people in Berlin are vegans, and thus a vegan culture has blossomed in Berlin. The German Nutrition Society is wary of the new vegan boom, however, because they believe that people, especially adolescents, may not be able to get vital nutrients. These nutrients include B12 (eggs and meat), omega 3s (fish), calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, and selenium. The group overall advised against the diet for children, adolescents, and pregnant women.

An advocacy group for the vegan diet protested the recent report, stating that you can receive these essential vitamins from eating specific plant based foods or by taking supplements. They advised vegans to eat a variety of seeds, beans, greens, nuts and fruits to obtain all the vitamins that are needed to live a healthy lifestyle. The American Academy of Pediatrics also advised for vegan parents to be wary as essential nutritional balance is hard to achieve without the presence of eggs and dairy products.

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