Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Wellness Wednesday

Heart Disease Back on the Rise
Heart Disease is to blame for the a potential reversal of the nation's progress in treating heart disease...

Longevity has been the trend in America since the 1970's largely in part to the vast reduction in heart disease. Long gone are the days of dropping dead in your 40's and 50's due to "indigestion", as what was once the cause of death for half of all Americans in the 1960's is not only responsible for a quarter of all American deaths today. So what can we thank for this great decline in heart disease related deaths? This NPR article states that the main reasons for the reduction were a reduction of the smoking population, the use of drugs to control blood pressure and cholesterol, and the increase of cardiac care units.,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNHVnYKFdiXiWwtlReqGB2PYSnUtDA&ust=1474981968329623

Longevity of Americans is at a standstill now, however, as obesity is on the rise. Obesity raises blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and risk of diabetes which are all risk factors for heart disease. It is estimated that by 2030 that heart disease will cost the United States $800 billion a year, which is the same amount of money that Congress passed to prevent a global disaster. This financial  burden will be a cause for a bill to be passed every year to pay on behalf of the battle against cardiovascular disease.
But if we can control heart disease with medication, what would the alternative potential epidemic related to obesity? The answer is dementia, a disease brought on by clogged and hardened arteries. The only solution for these impending epidemics are very attainable however. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can put us back on the path of longevity!

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