Thursday, October 13, 2016

Rest and Recovery

No matter what you are training for, whether it is a race, sporting event or just for your overall health, one of the most important things to do is recover. Recovery helps your muscles to build and repair, where as not incorporating recovery just continues to break them down. Additionally, recovery does not always have to just be a day of rest, but active rest and treating your body the way it deserves to be treated,can make a huge difference in your fitness goals. 

When you body is feeling sore, or run down, try taking a day of active recovery and go for a walk, light jog or some simple stretches. Even a day of foam rolling and myofascial release can help recover your muscles and prepare your body for even more exercise in the future. 

Another important thing to remember when incorporating rest and recovery into your routine is to listen to your body. Even if you are following a strict exercise is regimen, if your body is feeling tired and sore, it will be more beneficial in the long run to take a day of rest than push through a workout when your body is telling you not to. Although this may be a hard thing to do, your body will thank you for it when you are feeling refreshed and energized the next day rather than more tired and more sore. When you do not listen to your body, you run the risk of over training which is turn, causes injury and you will be forced to not exercise for a period of time. 

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