Friday, October 7, 2016

Mindset Changes for Weight Loss

When starting a new weight loss program, one of the most important things to change is your mind. Without a good, positive mindset, it will be harder to accomplish your goals that you want to achieve when it comes to weight loss. There are a few things you should know about your mindset before starting a weight loss program that will help you along your journey. 
  1. Know Your Why for Weight Loss
    • Before you start losing weight, do you know why you want to lose weight in the first place? Do you know what your motivation is for losing weight? If not, determine that reason before you start. Knowing why you want to accomplish something will help keep you motivated during the process. 
  2. Break Up With Your Scale
    • While you occasionally want to weigh yourself to see your progress, you should not weigh yourself daily. Your weight can fluctuate from day to day, so it may cause frustration when you do not see the scale moving down every day. Try to only weigh yourself weekly, so you can actually see a change when it is happening. Even better, judge your weightloss on how your clothes are fitting. If they are getting loose, you are accomplishing your goals!
  3. Develop a Positive Attitude
    • Attitude is everything. When you say things like "I can't eat that", it tends to have a negative attitude with it. Instead, make yourself small, achievable goals that are realistic, and slowly you will feel like you are accomplishing something and not getting frustrated by what you "can't" do. 
  4. Have Patience
    • Weight loss is hard and can take a lot of time. So, if it doesn't happen right away, don't be frustrated. Stick with your goal and remember why you are doing it and the results will follow. Additionally, if you lose weight slow and steady, it will be easier to keep it off in the long run.
  5. Have a Plan
    • This can mean a variety of things when it comes to weight loss.  You have to plan for how you are going to get from start to finish, but you also have to plan the days and weeks in between. Try to plan out your weekly meals over the weekend so you are prepared with healthy options throughout the week. Also, think ahead about things that might take you off your path and prepare in advance for them. Whether it is going out with friends or going on a vacation, prepare in advance for how you are going to stay healthy during those challenging times.
  6. Write it Down
    • Tracking what you eat and when you exercise can be great for weight loss. It helps you to know exactly what you are doing to your body as well as times that you fall off the wagon. You will be able to recognize times where you tend to eat more or eat differently based on times of day, how you are feeling etc.
  7. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
    • If you really want to have a negative attitude, compare yourself to others. You are your own person and your body is completely different than anyone elses.  What works for someone else may not work for you. So, stick with your plan and what works for you. 
  8. Do Yoga and Meditation
    • Taking up yoga and/or meditation will help make you more aware of your feelings and mind as well as reduce stress. Typically, stress tends to result in overeating or eating unhealthy things when we don't really need or want them. By incorporating yoga and meditation in your life, you can keep some of your stress at bay and eliminate emotional eating that may be hindering your weight loss.  

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