Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wellness Wednesday

Artificial Sugar Could Increase Appetite
A spoon full of sugar makes the appetite go up!

Black coffee has often been highly touted as an appetite suppressant, especially for those who are dieting. But could that sugar you have been putting in your coffee be hurting your diet more than it it is helping you? A recent study published by the journal Cell Metabolism found that artificial sweeteners activated hunger pathways in fruit flies and mice, due to the mismatch in sweet taste and fewer calories. A group of UK nutritionists say that this could not be the same in humans however, due to the numerous different biological factors that separates humans from the lab test subjects. In humans the artificial sweeteners are better for your teeth and diet than regular sugar. 

While the sweeteners may be better for us in terms of calories in and calories out, however, they do not provide sufficient amounts of energy that our body needs to complete activities and tasks throughout the day. The Australian team found that chronic consumption of the sweetener increased the animals overall motivation to eat more. Despite this further evidence, many experts still disagree that this report can carry over to mean something significant for people, as the test subjects do not consume as complex a diet as we do. This is backed by randomized research that supports that sweetness does not reliably predict the energy contained within foods and drinks. We are more likely to utilize " a combination of food and drink characteristics, including taste, flavour and texture, to predict energy content, rather than simply sweetness." 
The Take Away: While a true link to increased appetite and sugar consumption cannot be scientifically linked in humans, artificial sugar should be limited limited in a diet regardless.  

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