Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Overeating Healthy Foods

While there is a lot of research out there now that supports a more high-fat diet, incorporating foods like avocado, nuts, oils and full-fat dairy products, you should not be consuming these things too much. While you need some of these healthy fats in your diet, you can also over eat them, that could result in fat and weight gain. Many of these healthy, high-fats foods have great properties, but are also high in calories and are easy to overeat. So, when eating/consuming the following foods, make sure you measure out your portions and not get all of your calories and fat from those foods. 
Image result for overeating healthy food
  • Almonds (and other types of nuts)
    • One cup can pack almost 500 calories and 45 grams of fat!
  • Oils (olive, coconut, avocado)
    • 2 tablespoons is about 120 calories and 12 grams of fat. The good thing, is that 2 tablespoons is plenty to use while cooking. Just be sure to measure while cooking do you do not overdo it. 
  • Avocado
    • One serving of avocado is only one quarter of the whole avocado, so be careful of your portions when eating this healthy, high-fat food. 
  • Nut Butters
    • Just like almonds and other nuts, nut butters are high in calories and fat. But, the serving size for nut butters is only 2 tablespoons. 
  • Hummus
    • Like nut butters, one serving is only 2 tablespoons. Therefore, it doesn't take much to consume 1 serving, which contains 6 grams of fat in itself!

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