Thursday, January 12, 2017

Early Morning Workout Motivation

Getting your workout in early in the morning before going to work or starting your day can be really tough, especially in the winter months when the weather is cold and it is dark outside. When your alarm goes off, all you want to do is stay in bed, and getting up to go to the gym or do a workout at home is the last thing you want to do. But, getting your workout in first thing in the morning gets it over with for the day, and gives you an energizing, positive start to a busy day ahead. So, to make it easier to get yourself up in the morning, here are some tips to set yourself up for a successful, early workout wake up call.
Image result for morning workout tips

  • Set your clothes out the night before
    •  Give yourself an easier morning by not having to dig to find something to wear to the gym. Set out clothes right next to your bed the night before.
  • Set 2 alarms
    • To be sure you don't sleep through your alarm, set a second one that will get you up and out of bed. If it helps, make your alarm a motivating song that would be on your workout playlist. 
  • Plan ahead and get to bed early
    • Going to bed late and not getting the proper rest will only make it that much harder to get up, and will make you more tired throughout the day. So, plan ahead and get to bed at a time that will allow you to get at least 7 hours of sleep. 
  • Make it a habit
    • The more often you get up early to workout, the easier it will become to get up. So, try to consistently get a morning workout in a few times a week to make this behavior a habit that your body becomes used to.
  • Put your alarm away from your bed
    • Putting your alarm clock far enough away from your bed will force you to get up to turn it off. Once you are up, put those workout clothes on and getting ready to go. 
  • Turn on the light right away
    • There is nothing the wakes you right up like a bright light as soon as you open your eyes. If you have a lamp next to your bed, click it on as soon as your alarm goes off to get you up and moving for the day. 

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