Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wellness Wednesday

Is Caffeine an Efficient Aid in Weight Loss?
Caffeine is often added to weight loss supplements, but does it really aid in your weight loss goals?

      There is an excess of information out there concerning weight loss. Some of it backed by scientific research and some of it just being the latest trend shared across social media platforms. With our knowledge of nutrition changing daily, it can be difficult to wade through everything out there. One popular weight loss "secret" is that caffeine can be a useful weight loss aid and is said to help with appetite suppression, and rev up the speed of your metabolism, but new research suggests it may not be as effective as we once believed.
Coffee, Beans, Coffee Bean, Drink

     Researchers set out to find out if caffeine is linked to reduced food consumption or perceived appetite suppression. They had 50 participants between the ages of 18-50 years old and over a months time had them visit weekly. They found the average American drinks 8 ounces of coffee per day, and with that information split their participants into three groups each time they visited, one group consuming caffeine equivalent to an 8oz coffee, a 4oz coffee or no caffeine. After 30 minutes the participants were given a breakfast buffet and were instructed to eat as much or as little as they wanted. During the breakfast buffet, they were asked to record everything they ate and continue recording throughout the day. They found that those who consumed caffeine equivalent to 8 ounces of coffee consumed 70 fewer calories than the other groups at breakfast, but this didn't have an effect on the following meals. This is a great example of how there is no easy answer to weight loss and making healthier more informed decisions are going to have a greater impact than unsupported weight loss ideas.

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