Thursday, October 26, 2017

Weight Loss Mistakes

Losing weight can be tricky sometimes, To lose weight, you need to cut back on what you're eating, but not too much. Also, you need to start exercising, but not too much. There is a lot of contradicting information out there to tell you how to lose weight, so it is hard to know what to actually do. We will try to make it easier by explaining how to body reacts to certain things, and what to be cautious of when trying to lose weight.
Image result for weight loss mistakes
  • Working out more but eating less
    • When you ramp up your workout, your body needs more fuel to keep up and replenish the muscles you use when you workout. By depriving your body of the nutrients it needs, you could hinder weight and fat loss.
  • Obsessively cutting calories
    • If you are restricting your calories too much, your body will end up holding onto fat because it is feeling malnourished. So, be sure you are eating enough calories throughout the day to keep your body nourished so it does not store or hold onto extra fat.
  • Obsessively working out
    • By exercising too much, you end up burning muscle and fat, instead of just muscle. While committing to a regular exercise program is important, make sure you give your body enough rest and recovery time as well. 
  • Skipping meals for snacking
    • While eating a combination of meals and snacks is a good idea, be conscience of your overall calories and nutrients throughout the day. Snacking can add up quickly and you can easily overeat.
  • Skipping breakfast
    • Just like when you cut too many calories, skipping breakfast sends your body into starvation mode and tends to store fat. Additionally, you are more likely to overeat throughout the day and at dinner, when you are the most sedentary.
  • Banning fat or cutting carbs
    • In order for your body to function properly and have the energy you need to get through your day and your workouts, you need carbohydrates and fat. These two macronutrients always get a bad reputation, but when eaten in the correct portion and the right quality, they are essential for your body's function.

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