Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Kicking Type-2 Diabetes Is As Easy As Losing Weight
A recent study conducted by Newcastle University has confirmed previous belief that a low-calorie diet can help get rid of Type-2 Diabetes.

There are currently 29.1 million people in the United States with the diagnosis of diabetes. With that number ever increasing, it is vital now more than ever to find a way to curb the increasing numbers to decrease the strain on our healthcare system. Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University in England has been studying diabetes for just under four decades, and his research has highlighted the following information about tye-2 diabetes:
  • An excess intake of calories leads to a fat build up within the liver. This build-up of fat leads to an improper response to insulin and an uptick in glucose production.
  • The excess in fat eventually leads to a build-up of fat in the pancreas, causing insulin-producing cells to fail. 
  • This insulin-producing failure can be reversed by losing up to just one gram of fat in the pancreas, and the reversal of type-2 diabetes is reversible overall within 10 years of the onset of the condition. 

The professor's research confirms his Twin Cycle hypothesis, which states that the onset of diabetes is caused by a fat build-up in both the liver and pancreas. His study further showed that a vast reduction liver fat content resulted in the normalization of liver-insulin sensitivity within 7 days of the of the onset of a low-calorie diet that is adhered to. While this weight loss is vital in keeping type-2 diabetes at bay, continuing to keep the weight off is vital in maintaining not only a diabetes-free life but other health issues such as cardiovascular disease at bay as well.  

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