Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wellness Wednesday

Personalized Nutrition Has Gone to Poop
Researchers have discovered that the type of microflora found in our poop, assist in determining whether or not a new diet will help a person lose weight.

Perhaps the worst part of a diet isn't even sticking to it, but not getting the results we desire when we actually follow through with it. It doesn't seem fair that your friend, who barely stuck to the diet, lost a size or two while you're still stuck where you started. But what if it wasn't really you or your behavior that was responsible for the lack of weight loss, and it was actually an outsider who was determining whether or not your diets are a success? Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have found that the microflora in our gut may determine whether or not a diet is successful, and to test for that all they need is a stool sample. 
The new Nordic diet recommendations include a vast amount of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber, whereas the average Nordic diet is higher in some meats and other non-fiber foods. The study utilized 31 subjects who ate the new Nordic diet for 26 weeks and lost an average of 3.5kg, whereas the other group of 23 subjects lost an average of 1.7kg eating the average Nordic diet for the same amount of time. Stool samples were taken from the subjects after the trial and found that those with a high prevalence of Prevotella bacteria in comparison to those with a higher prevalence of Bacteroides bacteria lost an average of 3.5kg more on the new Nordic diet. Those with a lower proportion of Prevotellai did not lose any more significant weight. With these findings, the researchers hope to further experiment and explore the relationships between our microflora and the success fo specific diets. 

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