Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wellness Wednesday

Fitness Linked to Cancer Prevention
Regular fitness has been linked to a reduction in carcinoma prevalence.

A long-term research study that involved over 1.4 million participants has successfully linked a higher participation rate in fitness to a reduction of rate in 13 cancer types. The strongest link was to esophageal cancer at 42%, liver cancer at 27%, lung cancer at 26%, leukemia at 20%, breast cancer at 10%, and 7% for any remaining type of cancer. While it has already been established that exercise had reduced the chance of cardiovascular disease, the reduced risk of cancer had never really been established.

12 research groups followed the previously mentioned 1.4 million participants from 1987-2004, and looked at the prevalence of 12 cancer types over the course of the studies they conducted. Walking an average of 150 minutes a week was considered the average fitness standard, and other factors like diet and age were included in the study as reported by those participating in the study.

The study also found a link between active men and a 5% increase in non-advanced prostate cancer, however this is most likely due to the demographic being more diligent in getting screened. Active participants living in sunny areas were also found to have a 27% greater chance of developing skin cancer due to being out in the sun during activity.
The Take: The long awaited confirmation that regular fitness activity is linked to a reduction in carcinoma has finally been confirmed. The recommended 150 minutes a week is a little less than 25 minutes a day, which is shorter than a Netflix episode!!! Here at the M.O.G. we take the pain out of designing a fitness program for you, and ensure you get the maximum results out of your time spent at the Gym! Visit us today!

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