Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wellness Wednesday

Reduce Body Fat by Implementing an Eating Window
A study shows people who ate their meals in a certain time frame lost twice as much on average.

     It seems like every time we turn around there is another fad diet everyone is following. There has been the Adkins diet, keto diet, caveman diet, and even more extreme options such as the potato or celery diet, although I don't think those lasted very long. Lately, the diet that has created quite a stir is intermittent fasting. Intermittent Fasting allows participants to eat as they normally would but do so in a particular time frame, a common time frame being 16:8. That means you would fast or not eat for 16 hours and then get all your daily calories in during your 8 hour "eating window". The million dollar question that arises anytime a new fad diet does is, "does it work?"
Salad Watch, Salad, Clock, Buffet, Cream
     Researchers from the University of Surrey set out to see what if any are the effects of eating your daily calories in an eating window. They split their participants into two groups, one group ate breakfast 90 minutes later than normal, and dinner 90 minutes earlier than normal, and the other group ate as they normally would. Both groups were not asked to change what they ate, simply when they ate. Both groups kept a food log before and during the study and had blood samples taken throughout the process. They found that the group who changed their eating window lost twice as much weight on average when compared to those who didn't change their eating times. The biggest problem with this diet is the restriction affecting their family and social lives, but many felt it was easy enough to sustain. More research needs to be done to determine if there are more health benefits or changes, but if we can reduce the fat content of more people we can reduce the risk for heart disease and other lifestyle diseases creating a healthier population.

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